/* * Copyright 2014 Morgan McMillian * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ enyo.kind({ name: "Dropbox", kind: enyo.Control, published: { token: "", tokenSecret: "", requestToken: "", requestSecret: "", authorized: false }, events: { "onAuthSuccess": "", "onAuthFailure": "", "onGetFileSuccess": "", "onGetFileFailure": "", "onPutFileSuccess": "", "onPutFileFailure": "", "onMetadataSuccess": "", "onMetadataFailure": "" }, components: [ {name: "authPopup", kind: "ModalDialog", components: [ {content: "Please click DONE to complete the process."}, {kind:"Button", caption:"DONE", onclick:"requestAccessToken"} ]}, {name: "openBrowser", kind: "PalmService", service: "palm://com.palm.applicationManager", method: "open", onSuccess: "launchSuccess", onFailure: "launchFailed", subscribe: true }, {name: "webSrv", kind: "WebService" } ], create: function() { this.inherited(arguments); this.contentURL = "https://api-content.dropbox.com/1"; this.apiURL = "https://api.dropbox.com/1"; this.mainURL = "https://www.dropbox.com/1"; /* valid values are either "dropbox" or "sandbox" * * See the following URL for the additional details. * https://www.dropbox.com/developers/reference/api */ this.root = "dropbox"; /* The following two properties are contained in the * dropbox-auth.js file. Dropbox will NOT work unless you * update the file to contain the correct values. */ this.consumerKey = consumerKey; this.consumerSecret = consumerSecret; }, /* url - URL needed for a web service call * params - (optional) Object containing paramters for the request * body - (required for files_put) request body to be submitted * method - method required for the request (GET, POST, PUT) * onSuccess - callback function when web service call is successful * onFailure - callback function when web service call has failed */ dropboxCall: function(url, params, body, method, onSuccess, onFailure) { var token = (this.authorized) ? this.token : this.requestToken; var secret = (this.authorized) ? this.tokenSecret : this.requestSecret; var accessor = { consumerKey: this.consumerKey, consumerSecret: this.consumerSecret, token: token, tokenSecret: secret }; var message = { action: url, method: method, parameters: params }; OAuth.completeRequest(message, accessor); OAuth.SignatureMethod.sign(message, accessor); var post = OAuth.formEncode(message.parameters); if (url.match(/files_put/)) { requrl = url + "?" + post; this.$.webSrv.setContentType("text/plain"); } else { body = post; requrl = url; } this.$.webSrv.setUrl(requrl); this.$.webSrv.setMethod(method); this.$.webSrv.onSuccess = onSuccess; this.$.webSrv.onFailure = onFailure; this.$.webSrv.call(body); }, /* ******************** OAuth Functions ******************** */ validateAccess: function() { if (this.token.length > 0 && this.tokenSecret.length > 0) { var url = this.apiURL + "/account/info"; this.dropboxCall(url, {}, "", "POST", "doAuthSuccess", "doAuthFailure"); } else { this.$.authPopup.openAtCenter(); this.startTokenRequest(); } }, startTokenRequest: function() { var url = this.apiURL + "/oauth/request_token"; this.dropboxCall(url, {}, "", "POST", "processRequestToken", "doAuthFailure"); }, processRequestToken: function(inSender, inResponse, inRequest) { if (inResponse) { var url = this.mainURL + "/oauth/authorize?" + inResponse; var tokens = inResponse.split("&"); this.requestSecret = tokens[0].split("=")[1]; this.requestToken = tokens[1].split("=")[1]; console.log("...launching browser window..."); if (this.owner.os == "BlackBerry") { var args = new blackberry.invoke.BrowserArguments(url); blackberry.invoke.invoke( blackberry.invoke.APP_BROWSER, args); } else { this.$.openBrowser.call({ "target": url }); } } }, requestAccessToken: function() { var url = this.apiURL + "/oauth/access_token"; this.dropboxCall(url, {}, "", "POST", "processAccessToken", "doAuthFailure"); }, processAccessToken: function(inSender, inResponse, inRequest) { var tokens = inResponse.split("&"); var accessSecret = tokens[0].split("=")[1]; var accessToken = tokens[1].split("=")[1]; this.token = accessToken; this.tokenSecret = accessSecret; console.log("..authorized.."); //console.log(this.token); //console.log(this.tokenSecret); this.authorized = true; this.doAuthSuccess(); this.$.authPopup.close(); }, /* ******************** Dropbox REST API ******************** */ /* file - Relative path of file to be uploaded. * data - File contents to be uploaded. * params - (optional) Object containing additional parameters. * * Returns the metadata for the uploaded file. * * See the following URL for the additional details * https://www.dropbox.com/developers/reference/api#files_put */ putFile: function(file, data, params) { var url = this.contentURL+"/files_put/"+this.root+file; this.dropboxCall(url, params, data, "PUT", "doPutFileSuccess", "doPutFileFailure"); }, /* file - Relative path of file to be retrieved * rev - (optional) File revision to be retrieved. Defaults to * the most recent revision. * * Returns the file contents at the requested revision. The * HTTP response contains the content metadata in JSON format * within an x-dropbox-metadata header. * * See the following URL for the additional details. * https://www.dropbox.com/developers/reference/api#files_put */ getFile: function(file, rev) { var url = this.contentURL+"/files/"+this.root+file; var params = { rev: rev }; this.dropboxCall(url, params, "", "GET", "doGetFileSuccess", "doGetFileFailure"); }, /* path - path to a file or folder * params - (optional) Object containing additional parameters. * * Returns metadata for requested file or folder * * See the following URL for the additional details * https://www.dropbox.com/developers/reference/api#metadata */ getMetadata: function(path, params) { var url = this.apiURL+"/metadata/"+this.root+path; this.dropboxCall(url, params, "", "GET", "doMetadataSuccess", "doMetadataFailure"); } });