/* * Copyright 2012 Morgan McMillian * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ enyo.kind({ name: "TodoPrefs", kind: enyo.VFlexBox, events: { "onClose": "", "onAbout": "", "onArchive": "", "onPrefReset": "" }, components: [ {flex: 1, kind: "Scroller", components: [ {kind: "VFlexBox", className: "box-center", components: [ {kind: "RowGroup", caption: "todo.txt", components: [ {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", components: [ {content: "Show line numbers"}, {kind: "Spacer"}, {kind: "CheckBox", name: "lineNumbers", preferenceProperty: "lineNumbers", onChange: "setPreference"} ]}, {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", components: [ {content: "Date new tasks"}, {kind: "Spacer"}, {kind: "CheckBox", name: "dateTasks", preferenceProperty: "dateTasks", onChange: "setPreference"} ]}, {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", components: [ {content: "Quick complete"}, {kind: "Spacer"}, {kind: "CheckBox", name: "quickComplete", preferenceProperty: "quickComplete", onChange: "setPreference"} ]}, {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", components: [ {content: "Work offline"}, {kind: "Spacer"}, {kind: "CheckBox", name: "offline", preferenceProperty: "offline", onChange: "setPreference"} ]}, {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", components: [ {content: "Auto archive"}, {kind: "Spacer"}, {kind: "CheckBox", name: "archive", preferenceProperty: "archive", onChange: "setPreference"} ]} ]}, {kind: "Button", caption: "Archive now", onclick: "doArchive", className: "enyo-button-dark" }, {kind: "RowGroup", caption: "storage", components: [ {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", components: [ {flex: 1, kind: "ListSelector", name: "storage", preferenceProperty: "storage", onChange: "setPreference", items: [ {caption: "No Storage", value: "none"}, {caption: "Internal Storage", value: "file"}, {caption: "Dropbox", value: "dropbox"} ]} ]}, {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", name: "filepathselect", showing: true, components: [ {flex: 1, kind: "Input", name: "filepath", preferenceProperty: "filepath", hint: "file path", disabled: true } ]}, {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", name: "dboxpathselect", showing: false, components: [ {flex: 1, kind: "Input", name: "dboxpath", preferenceProperty: "dboxpath", hint: "Dropbox path", onchange: "setPreference", disabled: false } ]}, {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", name: "dboxlogout", showing: false, components: [ {flex: 1, kind: "Button", caption: "Log out of Dropbox", className: "enyo-button-negative", onclick: "clearDropbox" } ]} ]}, {kind: "Button", caption: "About", onclick: "doAbout", className: "enyo-button-dark" }, {kind: "Button", caption: "Reset Prefs", onclick: "doPrefReset", className: "enyo-button-dark" } ]} ]}, {name: "prefToolbar", kind: "Toolbar", pack: "justify", className: "enyo-toolbar-light", components: [ {kind: "Spacer"}, {flex: 1, kind: "Button", caption: "Done", onclick: "doClose", align: "center"}, {kind: "Spacer"} ] }, {name: "todoFilePicker", kind: "FilePicker", fileType: ["document"], onPickFile: "fileSelected", allowMultiSelect: false} ], setPreference: function(inSender, inEvent, inValue) { //var value = (inSender.kind === "CheckBox") ? inSender.getChecked() : inValue; if (inSender.kind === "CheckBox") { value = inSender.getChecked(); } else if (inSender.kind === "Input") { value = inValue; } else { value = inEvent; } this.owner.preferences[inSender.preferenceProperty] = value; if (inSender.preferenceProperty == "storage") { if (value == "file") { //this.$.todoFilePicker.pickFile(); if (this.owner.os == "BlackBerry") { var mypath = this.owner.dirs.shared.documents.path + "/todo/todo.txt"; } else { var mypath = "/media/internal/todo/todo.txt" } this.owner.preferences["filepath"] = mypath; this.$.filepath.setValue(mypath); this.$.filepath.render(); this.$.dboxlogout.hide(); this.owner.preferences["offline"] = true; this.owner.$.preferenceView.$.offline.setChecked(true); this.owner.refreshTodo(); } else if (value == "dropbox") { this.owner.$.dropbox.validateAccess(); } else { this.owner.preferences["filepath"] = ""; this.$.filepath.setValue(""); this.$.filepath.render(); this.$.dboxlogout.hide(); this.owner.preferences["offline"] = true; this.owner.$.preferenceView.$.offline.setChecked(true); } } else if (inSender.preferenceProperty == "dboxpath") { //console.log(this.owner.preferences["dboxpath"]); this.owner.dropboxRefresh = true; this.owner.refreshTodo(); } localStorage.setItem("TodoPreferences", JSON.stringify(this.owner.preferences)); this.owner.$.listView.$.todoList.render(); }, fileSelected: function(inSender, inResponse) { //console.log(inResponse[0].fullPath); value = inResponse[0].fullPath; if (value) { this.owner.preferences["filepath"] = value; this.$.filepath.setValue(value); this.$.filepath.render(); this.owner.refreshTodo(); } }, clearDropbox: function() { this.owner.preferences["dboxuid"] = ""; this.owner.preferences["dboxtoken"] = ""; this.owner.preferences["dboxsecret"] = ""; this.owner.preferences["dboxname"] = ""; this.owner.preferences["dboxrev"] = ""; this.owner.preferences["storage"] = "file"; this.owner.preferences["offline"] = true; this.owner.$.preferenceView.$.offline.setChecked(true); localStorage.setItem("TodoPreferences", JSON.stringify(this.owner.preferences)); this.$.storage.setValue("file"); this.$.dboxlogout.hide(); } });