/* * Copyright 2012 Morgan McMillian * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ enyo.kind({ name: "TodoList", kind: enyo.VFlexBox, published: { replaceItem: false, completeItem: false, sortOrder: "pri", cacheChanges: "NO", searchFilter: null, priorityList: [], projectList: [], contextList: [], filterList: [], sortedList: undefined }, events: { "onEdit": "", "onPrefs": "", "onReload": "" }, components: [ {name: "todoPopup", kind: "ModalDialog", dismissWithClick: true, onClose: "closePopup", components: [ {kind: "RowGroup", components: [ {content:"Complete", onclick:"completeTodoItem", style: "text-align:center"}, {content:"Prioritize", onclick:"showPriList", style: "text-align:center"}, {content:"Update", onclick:"updateTodoItem", style: "text-align:center"}, {content:"Delete", onclick:"deleteTodoItem", style: "text-align:center"} ]} ]}, {name: "completedPopup", kind: "ModalDialog", dismissWithClick: true, onClose: "closePopup", components: [ {kind: "RowGroup", components: [ {content:"Undo Complete", onclick:"undoCompleteTodoItem", style: "text-align:center"}, {content:"Delete", onclick:"deleteTodoItem", style: "text-align:center"} ]} ]}, {name: "priorityPopup", kind: "ModalDialog", dismissWithClick: true, onClose: "closePopup", components: [ {kind: "RowGroup", caption:"Select Priority", components: [ {kind: "RadioGroup", name: "priGroup", onChange: "setPriority", components: [ {caption: "-", value: "-"}, {caption: "A", value: "A"}, {caption: "B", value: "B"}, {caption: "C", value: "C"}, {caption: "D", value: "D"}, {caption: "E", value: "E"} ]} ]} ]}, {name: "filterPopup", kind: "ModalDialog", dismissWithClick: true, layoutKind: "VFlexLayout", height: "60%", contentHeight: "100%", onClose: "closePopup", components: [ {flex: 1, name: "fscroller", kind: "Scroller", components: [ {name: "projects", kind: "RowGroup", caption: "Projects", components: [ {kind: "VirtualRepeater", name: "projFlist", onSetupRow: "getProjFilter", components: [ {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", name: "fprojRow", components: [ {flex: 1, name: "fprojN"}, {kind: "CheckBox", name: "fprojC", onChange: "changeFilter"} ]} ]} ]}, {name: "contexts", kind: "RowGroup", caption: "Contexts", components: [ {kind: "VirtualRepeater", name: "conFlist", onSetupRow: "getConFilter", components: [ {kind: "Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", name: "fconRow", components: [ {flex: 1, name: "fconN"}, {kind: "CheckBox", name: "fconC", onChange: "changeFilter"} ]} ]} ]} ]}, {layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", pack: "justify", components: [ {flex: 1, kind: "Button", caption: "RESET", onclick: "resetFilter"}, {flex: 1, kind: "Button", caption: "OK", onclick: "closePopup"} ]} ]}, {kind: "SearchInput", name: "searchbox", onchange: "searchList", onCancel: "clearSearch", className: "enyo-box-input"}, {flex: 1, kind: "Scroller", name: "scroller", components: [ {kind: "VirtualRepeater", name: "todoList", onSetupRow: "getTodoList", onclick: "todoTap", components: [ {kind: "SwipeableItem", onConfirm: "deleteTodo", layoutKind: enyo.HFlexLayout, tapHighlight: true, name: "todoRow", components: [ {name: "lineNum", className: "left-col"}, {name: "priority", className: "mid-col"}, {flex: 1, name: "todoItem"} ] } ] } ]}, {name: "listToolbar", kind: "Toolbar", pack: "justify", className: "enyo-toolbar-light", components: [ {flex: 1}, //{kind: "Button", caption: "Filter"}, //TODO: consider moving to the top {kind: "ListSelector", value: "pri", onChange: "changeSort", items: [ {caption: "Priority", value: "pri"}, {caption: "ID Ascending", value: "asc"}, {caption: "ID Descending", value: "dsc"}, {caption: "Text (A-Z)", value: "az"} ]}, {icon: "images/273-Add.png", onclick: "doEdit", align: "right"}, {icon: "images/254-Funnel.png", onclick: "showFilters", align: "right"}, {icon: "images/156-Cycle.png", onclick: "doReload", align: "right"}, {icon: "images/072-Settings.png", onclick: "doPrefs", align: "right"} ] }, ], getTodoList: function(inSender, inIndex) { if (this.sortedList == undefined) { this.sortedList = this.owner.todoList.slice(0); this.changeSort(null, this.sortOrder, null); } var r = this.sortedList[inIndex]; if (r) { //TODO: currently not used, is it needed in future? if (this.priorityListReset) { this.priorityList = []; this.priorityListReset = false; } if (r.pri) { if (this.priorityList.indexOf(r.pri[0]) == -1) this.priorityList.push(r.pri[0]); } //TODO: end quetionable code if (this.projectListReset) { this.projectList = []; this.projectListReset = false; } var project = r.detail.match(/\+[^\s]+/); if (project) { project = project[0].replace(/\./,""); if (this.projectList.indexOf(project) == -1) this.projectList.push(project); } if (this.contextListReset) { this.contextList = []; this.contextListReset = false; } var context = r.detail.match(/\@[^\s]+/); if (context) { context = context[0].replace(/\./,""); if (this.contextList.indexOf(context) == -1) this.contextList.push(context); } var filtered = false; var s = r.detail.replace(/^x\s/,""); var s = s.replace(/^\([A-E]\)\s/,""); var sfilter = new RegExp(this.searchFilter, "i"); if (this.search && s.match(sfilter)) { filtered = true; } if (this.filter) { for (var fidx = 0; fidx < this.filterList.length; fidx++) { var ffilter = this.filterList[fidx]; ffilter = ffilter.replace(/\+/,"\\+"); var fregx = new RegExp(ffilter, "i"); if (s.match(fregx) && !this.search) { filtered = true; } else if (s.match(fregx) && s.match(sfilter)) { filtered = true; } } } if (!this.search && !this.filter) { filtered = true; } if (this.owner.preferences["lineNumbers"]) { this.$.lineNum.setContent(r.num); } this.$.priority.setContent(r.pri); var pri = r.detail.replace(/^\(([A-E])\)\s.*$/,"$1"); if (r.pri == "(A) ") this.$.priority.addClass("pri-a"); if (r.pri == "(B) ") this.$.priority.addClass("pri-b"); if (r.pri == "(C) ") this.$.priority.addClass("pri-c"); this.$.todoItem.setContent(s); if (r.detail.match(/^x\s/)) { this.$.todoItem.addStyles("text-decoration:line-through;"); this.$.todoItem.addClass("completed-item"); } if (inIndex == this.selectedIndex) { this.$.todoRow.addClass("selected-item"); } if (!filtered) { this.$.todoRow.hide(); } return true; } else { this.priorityListReset = true; this.projectListReset = true; } }, todoTap: function(inSender, inEvent) { this.selectedIndex = inEvent.rowIndex; if (this.selectedIndex != undefined) { //this.selectedId = this.sortedList[this.selectedIndex].num-1; var num = this.sortedList[this.selectedIndex].num; function getIdx(list, num) { for (var i=0; i)+/g," "); if (this.owner.preferences["storage"] != "none" && this.cacheChanges != "YES" && this.cacheChanges != "COMMIT") { console.log("saving backup"); this.owner.saveFile( this.owner.preferences["filepath"]+".bak", this.owner.todoList); if (this.cacheChanges == "START") { this.cacheChanges = "YES" } } if (this.replaceItem) { this.owner.todoList[this.selectedId].detail = task.detail; this.owner.todoList[this.selectedId].pri = task.detail.match(/^\([A-E]\)\s/); this.replaceItem = false; } else { if (this.owner.preferences["dateTasks"] && !this.completeItem) { var dfmt = new enyo.g11n.DateFmt({date:"yyyy-MM-dd"}); task.detail = dfmt.format(new Date()) + " " + task.detail; } this.owner.todoList.push(task); } this.listRefresh(); if (this.owner.preferences["storage"] != "none" && this.cacheChanges != "START" && this.cacheChanges != "YES") { if (this.owner.preferences["archive"] == true && this.completeItem) { this.owner.autoarchive = true; } console.log("saving list"); this.owner.saveFile( this.owner.preferences["filepath"], this.owner.todoList); if (this.cacheChanges == "COMMIT") { this.cacheChanges = "NO" } } this.owner.closeView(); }, deleteTodoItem: function() { this.deleteTodo(null, this.selectedId); this.closePopup(); }, deleteTodo: function(inSender, inIndex) { if (this.owner.preferences["storage"] != "none") { this.owner.saveFile( this.owner.preferences["filepath"]+".bak", this.owner.todoList); } this.owner.todoList.splice(inIndex, 1); this.listRefresh(); if (this.owner.preferences["storage"] != "none") { this.owner.saveFile( this.owner.preferences["filepath"], this.owner.todoList); } }, closePopup: function() { this.$.todoPopup.close(); this.$.completedPopup.close(); this.$.priorityPopup.close(); this.$.filterPopup.close(); //this.selectedIndex = null; //this.selectedId = null; this.$.todoList.render(); }, showPriList: function() { var r = this.sortedList[this.selectedIndex]; this.$.todoPopup.close(); this.$.priorityPopup.openAtCenter(); if (r.detail.match(/^\(([A-E])\)\s/)) { var pri = r.detail.replace(/^\(([A-E])\)\s.*$/,"$1"); this.$.priGroup.setValue(pri); } else { this.$.priGroup.setValue(pri); } }, setPriority: function(inSender) { var val = inSender.getValue(); this.clearPriority(); if (val.match(/[A-E]/)) { this.owner.$.editView.$.tododetail.setValue( "(" + val + ") " + this.owner.todoList[this.selectedId].detail); this.replaceItem = true; this.addTodo(); } this.$.priorityPopup.close(); }, clearPriority: function() { this.owner.$.editView.$.tododetail.setValue( this.owner.todoList[this.selectedId].detail.replace(/^\([A-E]\)\s/,"") ); this.replaceItem = true; this.owner.addTodo(); }, searchList: function(inSender) { this.searchFilter = inSender.getValue(); this.searchFilter = this.searchFilter.replace(/\+/,"\\+"); //console.log(this.searchFilter); this.search = true; this.$.scroller.scrollIntoView(0,0); this.$.todoList.render(); }, clearSearch: function() { this.searchFilter = null; this.search = false; this.$.todoList.render(); }, changeSort: function(inSender, inValue, inOldValue) { this.sortOrder = inValue; if (inValue == "pri") { this.sortedList.sort(function (a,b) { if (!a["pri"] && a["detail"].match(/^x\s/)) { checka = "-"; } else if (!a["pri"]) { checka = "+"; } else { checka = a["pri"]; } if (!b["pri"] && b["detail"].match(/^x\s/)) { checkb = "-"; } else if (!b["pri"]) { checkb = "+"; } else { checkb = b["pri"]; } if (checka < checkb) return -1; if (checka > checkb) return 1; return 0; }); this.$.todoList.render(); } else if (inValue == "asc") { this.sortedList.sort(function (a,b) { if (a["num"] < b["num"]) return -1; if (a["num"] > b["num"]) return 1; return 0; }); this.$.todoList.render(); } else if (inValue == "dsc") { this.sortedList.sort(function (a,b) { if (a["num"] > b["num"]) return -1; if (a["num"] < b["num"]) return 1; return 0; }); this.$.todoList.render(); } else if (inValue == "az") { this.sortedList.sort(function (a,b) { var checka = a["detail"].replace(/^\([A-E]\)\s/,""); var checkb = b["detail"].replace(/^\([A-E]\)\s/,""); if (checka < checkb) return -1; if (checka > checkb) return 1; return 0; }); this.$.todoList.render(); } else { console.log("wait what?"); } }, listRefresh: function() { this.sortedList = undefined; this.$.todoList.render(); this.$.filterPopup.render(); }, showFilters: function() { this.$.filterPopup.openAtCenter(); this.$.fscroller.scrollIntoView(0,0); }, getProjFilter: function(inSender, inIndex) { if (inIndex < this.projectList.length) { this.$.fprojN.setContent(this.projectList[inIndex]); return true; } }, getConFilter: function(inSender, inIndex) { if (inIndex < this.contextList.length) { this.$.fconN.setContent(this.contextList[inIndex]); return true; } }, changeFilter: function(inSender) { filter = inSender.parent.children[0].content; if (inSender.checked) { console.log("got it"); console.log(filter); this.filterList.push(filter); } else { var idx = this.filterList.indexOf(filter); if (idx != -1) { this.filterList.splice(idx, 1); } } console.log(this.filterList.length); console.log(this.filterList); if (this.filterList.length > 0) { this.filter = true; } else { this.filter = false; } this.$.scroller.scrollIntoView(0,0); this.$.todoList.render(); }, resetFilter: function() { this.filterList = []; this.filter = false; this.$.scroller.scrollIntoView(0,0); this.$.projFlist.render(); this.$.conFlist.render(); this.$.todoList.render(); this.$.filterPopup.close(); } });