/* * Copyright 2012 Morgan McMillian * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ enyo.kind({ name: "TodoTxt", kind: enyo.VFlexBox, published: { launchParams: null }, components: [ {kind: "AppMenu", components: [ {caption: "Preferences", onclick: "showPrefView"}, {caption: "About", onclick: "showAbout"} ]}, {kind: "ModalDialog", name: "about", layoutKind: "VFlexLayout", contentHeight: "100%", height: "80%", width: "80%", dismissWithClick: true, components: [ {name: "aboutTitle", content: ""}, {content: "by Morgan McMillian"}, {kind: "Divider", caption: "Version History"}, {flex: 1, kind: "Scroller", components: [ {kind: "HtmlContent", className: "ver-history", srcId: "history"} ]}, {kind: "Button", caption: "Done", onclick: "closeAbout" } ]}, {kind: "PageHeader", pack: "justify", components: [ {kind: "HtmlContent", content: "Todo.txt Enyo [beta]"}, {flex: 1}, {name: "viewTitle", kind: "HtmlContent", className: "todo-view-title", content: ""} ]}, {flex: 1, kind: "Pane", onSelectView: "viewSelected", transitionKind: enyo.transitions.Simple, components: [ {name: "listView", kind: "TodoList", onEdit: "showEditView", onPrefs: "showPrefView", onReload: "refreshTodo" }, {name: "editView", kind: "TodoEdit", onClose: "closeView", onSave: "addTodo" }, {name: "preferenceView", kind: "TodoPrefs", onClose: "closeView", onAbout: "showAbout", onPrefReset: "resetPreferences", onArchive: "archiveTodo" } ]}, {name: "toaster", kind: "HtmlContent"}, {name: "dropbox", kind: "Dropbox", onAuthSuccess: "enableDropbox", onAuthFailure: "disableDropbox", onGetFileSuccess: "loadDropbox", onGetFileFailure: "fail", onPutFileSuccess: "dboxPutFileSuccess", onPutFileFailure: "fail" }, {name: "readFile", kind: "PalmService", service: "palm://com.monkeystew.todotxtenyo.beta.service/", method: "readfile", onSuccess: "parseFile", onFailure: "doNothing" }, {name: "readDoneFile", kind: "PalmService", service: "palm://com.monkeystew.todotxtenyo.beta.service/", method: "readfile", onSuccess: "loadArchive", onFailure: "doNothing" }, {name: "writeFile", kind: "PalmService", service: "palm://com.monkeystew.todotxtenyo.beta.service/", method: "writefile", onSuccess: "saveSuccess" }, {name: "makeDir", kind: "PalmService", service: "palm://com.monkeystew.todotxtenyo.beta.service/", method: "makedir", onSuccess: "dirCreated", onFailure: "doNothing" }, {name: "getConn", kind: "PalmService", service: "palm://com.palm.connectionmanager/", method: "getstatus", onSuccess: "handleConnectionChange", subscribe: true } ], ready: function() { if (window.PalmSystem) { this.$.getConn.call(); this.os = "webOS"; } else if (window.blackberry) { this.os = "BlackBerry"; this.dirs = blackberry.io.dir.appDirs; // hack for RichText not working properly this.$.editView.$.tododetail.destroy(); this.$.editView.$.scroller.createComponent( {kind: "Input", name: "tododetail", className: "enyo-box-input", owner:this.$.editView} ); this.$.editView.render(); this.$.preferenceView.$.filepath.setDisabled(false); } else { this.os = "unknown"; } this.preferences = localStorage.getItem("TodoPreferences"); if (this.preferences == undefined) { this.resetPreferences(); } else { this.preferences = JSON.parse(this.preferences); } if (this.preferences["storage"] == "dropbox") { if (this.preferences["dboxtoken"]) { this.$.dropbox.setToken( this.preferences["dboxtoken"] ); this.$.dropbox.setTokenSecret( this.preferences["dboxsecret"] ); this.$.dropbox.setAuthorized(true); this.$.preferenceView.$.dboxlogout.show(); this.$.preferenceView.$.dboxpathselect.show(); this.$.preferenceView.$.filepathselect.hide(); } } //TODO: need to derive a better method for introducing new //preferences into the application if (this.preferences["dboxpath"] == undefined) { this.preferences["dboxpath"] = "/todo"; localStorage.setItem("TodoPreferences", JSON.stringify(this.preferences)); } if (this.preferences["offline"] == true) { this.$.viewTitle.setContent("[offline]"); } if (this.os == "BlackBerry") { var path = this.dirs.shared.documents.path + "/todo"; if (!blackberry.io.dir.exists(path)) { blackberry.io.dir.createNewDir(path); } } else { this.$.makeDir.call({ path: "/media/internal/todo" }); } this.recount = 0; this.autoarchive = false; this.todoList = []; this.doneList = []; this.refreshTodo(); console.log("things are ready"); }, launchParamsChanged: function() { if (this.launchParams) { if (this.launchParams.addTodoText) { this.$.editView.$.tododetail.setValue( this.launchParams.addTodoText ); this.showEditView(); } else if (this.launchParams.search) { this.$.listView.$.searchbox.setValue( this.launchParams.search ); this.$.listView.$.searchbox.fire("onchange"); } } }, viewSelected: function(inSender, inView) { if (inView == this.$.listView) { if (this.preferences["offline"] == true) { this.$.viewTitle.setContent("[offline]"); } else { this.$.viewTitle.setContent(""); } } else if (inView == this.$.preferenceView) { this.$.viewTitle.setContent("preferences"); } }, refreshTodo: function() { if (this.preferences["storage"] == "file") { this.getLocalFile(); this.getArchiveFile(); } else if (this.preferences["storage"] == "dropbox") { if (this.preferences["offline"] == false) { var dboxpath = this.preferences["dboxpath"]; this.$.dropbox.getFile(dboxpath+"/todo.txt"); this.$.dropbox.getFile(dboxpath+"/done.txt"); } else { console.log("working offline, loading local copy instead"); this.getLocalFile(); } } }, archiveTodo: function() { // TODO stub for (item in this.todoList) { if (this.todoList[item].detail.match(/^x\s/)) { this.recount++; this.doneList.push(this.todoList[item]); this.todoList.splice(item, 1); this.archiveTodo(); this.recount--; } } if (this.recount == 0) { console.log("done: "+this.doneList); this.$.listView.listRefresh(); this.saveFile( this.preferences["filepath"].replace(/todo\.txt/, "done.txt"), this.doneList ); this.saveFile(this.preferences["filepath"], this.todoList); this.closeView(); } }, addTodo: function() { this.$.listView.addTodo(); }, showEditView: function() { this.$.pane.selectViewByName("editView"); if (this.$.listView.getReplaceItem()) { this.$.viewTitle.setContent("update task"); } else { this.$.viewTitle.setContent("add task"); this.$.editView.$.priGroup.setValue("-"); } this.$.editView.$.tododetail.forceFocus(); }, showPrefView: function() { for ( item in this.preferences ) { var component = eval("this.$.preferenceView.$."+item); if (component != undefined) { if (component.kind === "CheckBox") { component.setChecked(this.preferences[component.preferenceProperty]); } else { component.setValue(this.preferences[component.preferenceProperty]); } } } this.$.pane.selectViewByName("preferenceView"); }, showAbout: function() { this.$.about.openAtCenter(); this.$.aboutTitle.setContent( "Todo.txt Enyo [beta] v" + enyo.fetchAppInfo().version); this.$.about.render(); }, closeAbout: function() { this.$.about.close(); }, closeView: function() { this.$.listView.setReplaceItem(false); this.$.editView.$.tododetail.setValue(""); this.$.pane.selectViewByName("listView"); }, parseFile: function(path, file) { //console.log("path: " + path); if (file.content != undefined) { todofile = file.content.split("\n"); } else { todofile = ""; } this.todoList = []; for (line in todofile) { if (todofile[line]) { if (typeof line == "string") { line = parseInt(line, 10); } var task = new Object(); task.num = line + 1; task.pri = todofile[line].match(/^\([A-E]\)\s/); task.detail = todofile[line]; this.todoList.push(task); } } this.$.listView.setSortedList(undefined); this.$.listView.$.todoList.render(); console.log("row count: " + this.todoList.length); }, saveFile: function(path, list) { data = ""; for (item in list) { data = data + list[item].detail + "\n"; } if (this.os == "BlackBerry") { if (blackberry.io.file.exists(path)) { blackberry.io.file.deleteFile(path); } var result = ""; try { blackberry.io.file.saveFile(path, blackberry.utils.stringToBlob(data)); result = "file saved"; if (path == this.preferences["filepath"] && this.autoarchive == true) { this.autoarchive = false; this.archiveTodo(); } } catch (e) { console.log("err: " + e); result = "err: " + e; } this.showToast(result); } else { this.$.writeFile.call({ path: path, content: data }); } if (this.preferences["storage"] == "dropbox" && this.preferences["offline"] == false && this.dropboxRefresh == false) { console.log("test:" + path.match(/(todo|done)\.txt.*/)[0]); var filename = path.match(/(todo|done)\.txt.*/)[0]; filename = this.preferences["dboxpath"]+"/"+filename; //var params = { overwrite: true }; this.$.dropbox.putFile(filename, data); } else if (this.dropboxRefresh == true) { this.dropboxRefresh = false; } }, saveSuccess: function(inSender, inEvent) { if (inEvent.error) { console.log("error: "+inEvent.error.message); } else { //this.showToast(inEvent.path + " saved"); this.showToast("file saved"); console.log(inEvent.path + " saved..."); console.log(inEvent.bytes + " bytes..."); if (inEvent.path == this.preferences["filepath"] && this.autoarchive == true) { this.autoarchive = false; this.archiveTodo(); } } }, dboxPutFileSuccess: function(inSender, inResponse) { console.log(inResponse.path + " uploaded to Dropbox"); console.log("at revision " + inResponse.revision); console.log(inResponse.size + " bytes..."); }, doNothing: function(inSender) { console.log("errrr"); console.log(":: " + inSender); }, dirCreated: function(inSender, inEvent) { if (inEvent.error) { console.log("error: " + inEvent.error.message); } }, getLocalFile: function() { var path = this.preferences["filepath"]; if (this.os == "BlackBerry") { if (blackberry.io.file.exists(path)) { blackberry.io.file.readFile(path, function(fpath, blob) { var data = blackberry.utils.blobToString(blob); appInstance.parseFile(null, {content: data}); } ); } } else { this.$.readFile.call({ path: path }); //this.$.readFile.call({ path: this.preferences["filepath"] }); } }, getArchiveFile: function() { // TODO stub var path = this.preferences["filepath"].replace(/todo\.txt/, "done.txt"); if (this.os == "BlackBerry") { // TODO do something here if (blackberry.io.file.exists(path)) { blackberry.io.file.readFile(path, function(fpath, blob) { var data = blackberry.utils.blobToString(blob); appInstance.loadArchive(null, {content: data}); } ); } } else { this.$.readDoneFile.call({ path: path }); } }, loadArchive: function(path, file) { // TODO stub this.doneList = []; var list = file.content.split("\n"); for (item in list) { if (list[item].length > 0) { var task = new Object(); task.detail = list[item]; this.doneList.push(task); } } }, loadDropbox: function(inSender, inResponse, inRequest) { console.log("url:" + inRequest.url); var file = new Object(); file.content = inResponse; if (inRequest.url.match(/todo\.txt/)) { console.log("got the main file"); this.parseFile(null, file); this.dropboxRefresh = true; this.saveFile(this.preferences["filepath"], this.todoList); } else if (inRequest.url.match(/done\.txt/)) { console.log("got the done file"); this.loadArchive(null, file); this.dropboxRefresh = true; this.saveFile( this.preferences["filepath"].replace(/todo\.txt/, "done.txt"), this.doneList ); } }, resetPreferences: function() { localStorage.clear(); this.preferences = new Object(); this.preferences["storage"] = "file"; this.preferences["offline"] = true; this.preferences["dboxpath"] = "/todo"; if (this.os == "BlackBerry") { var path = this.dirs.shared.documents.path + "/todo/todo.txt"; this.preferences["filepath"] = path; } else { this.preferences["filepath"] = "/media/internal/todo/todo.txt"; } // reset the preferences pane this.$.preferenceView.$.offline.setChecked(true); this.$.preferenceView.$.dboxlogout.hide(); this.$.preferenceView.$.dboxpathselect.hide(); this.$.preferenceView.$.filepathselect.show(); // save preferences localStorage.setItem("TodoPreferences", JSON.stringify(this.preferences)); }, handleConnectionChange: function(inSender, inResponse) { var r = inResponse.isInternetConnectionAvailable; if (r) { console.log("went online..."); } else { console.log("went offline..."); if (this.preferences["offline"] == false) { this.showToast("offline mode"); this.preferences["offline"] = true; this.$.preferenceView.$.offline.setChecked(true); } } }, fail: function(inSender, inResponse, inRequest) { console.log("error"); console.log(JSON.stringify(inResponse)); this.showToast(inResponse.error); }, enableDropbox: function() { console.log("authentication successful, enabling dropbox"); var token = this.$.dropbox.getToken(); var secret = this.$.dropbox.getTokenSecret(); this.preferences["dboxtoken"] = token; this.preferences["dboxsecret"] = secret; this.preferences["offline"] = false; localStorage.setItem("TodoPreferences", JSON.stringify(this.preferences)); this.$.preferenceView.$.dboxlogout.show(); this.$.preferenceView.$.dboxpathselect.show(); this.$.preferenceView.$.filepathselect.hide(); this.dropboxRefresh = true; this.refreshTodo(); }, disableDropbox: function() { this.$.dropbox.setToken(""); this.$.dropbox.setTokenSecret(""); this.$.dropbox.setAuthorized(false); this.preferences["storage"] = "file"; this.preferences["dboxtoken"] = ""; this.preferences["dboxsecret"] = ""; localStorage.setItem("TodoPreferences", JSON.stringify(this.preferences)); }, showToast: function(message) { this.$.toaster.setContent("
" + message + "
"); window.setTimeout(function () { var toast = document.getElementById("toast"); toast.style.opacity = 0; }, 1000); } });