import argparse import threading import logging import signal import requests from multiprocessing import Process, Event, Queue from logging.handlers import QueueHandler from imapclient import IMAPClient, exceptions from datetime import datetime from clacksme.model import * _shutdown = Event() class MailboxNotifier(object): def __init__(self, mailbox): self.mailbox = mailbox def start(self, log_queue): imap_log = logging.getLogger('imapclient') imap_log.level = logging.INFO log_queue_handler = QueueHandler(log_queue) self.log = logging.getLogger(self.mailbox.user) self.log.level = logging.DEBUG self.log.addHandler(log_queue_handler) imap_log.addHandler(log_queue_handler) f"Starting up IMAP connection for {self.mailbox.user}") while not _shutdown.is_set(): try: with IMAPClient(self.mailbox.imap_host) as self.imap: self.imap.login(self.mailbox.imap_user, self.mailbox.imap_pass) self.imap.select_folder("INBOX", readonly=True)"Connected to INBOX") messages ="UNSEEN") if len(messages) > 0: notify = self.check_events(messages) self.imap_idle() except Exception: self.log.error("IMAP exception of some kind") self.log.exception("IMAP") def imap_idle(self): while not _shutdown.is_set(): try: self.imap.idle()"Waiting for new messages") responses = self.imap.idle_check(timeout=30) self.log.debug(responses) for resp in responses: if len(resp) == 2: if resp[1] == b"RECENT": self.imap.idle_done() messages ="UNSEEN") if len(messages) > 0: notify = self.check_events(messages) self.imap.idle()"IDLE done") self.imap.idle_done() except IMAPClient.AbortError: self.log.error("IMAP abort, break") break def check_events(self, messages): notify = False events = == self.mailbox.user) event_ids = [event.event_id for event in events] for uid in messages: if str(uid) not in event_ids:"New message") new_event = Events( user=self.mailbox.user, service="imap", event_id=uid) now = if self.mailbox.last_check is not None: delta = now - self.mailbox.last_check if delta.seconds > 60: notify = True else: notify = True if notify: self.log.debug("Notify") self.mailbox.last_check = now self.on_notify() def on_notify(self):"Triggering notifications") text = f"New messages have been recieved at {self.mailbox.imap_user}" targets = == self.mailbox.user) for target in targets: if target.service == "pushover" and target.enabled: self.send_pushover(, text) elif target.service == "mattermost" and target.enabled: self.send_mattermost(, text) else:"unknown notifiaction service") def send_pushover(self, po_user, text): notifier = Notifier.get(Notifier.service == "pushover") url = "" params = { "token": notifier.secret, "user": po_user, "message": text } response =, data=params) self.log.debug(response.status_code) self.log.debug(response.text) def send_mattermost(self, url, text): params = { "text": text } response =, json=params) self.log.debug(response.status_code) self.log.debug(response.text) def shutdown_handler(signal, frame): _shtudown.set() def logger_thread(log_queue): logging.debug("starting logger thread") while True: logging.debug(".") entry = log_queue.get() if entry is None: logging.debug(".break.") break logger = logging.getLogger( logger.handle(entry) def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, shutdown_handler) a_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="IMAP notification suite") a_parser.add_argument( '-s', '--store', default="store.db", help="sqlite database filepath") args = a_parser.parse_args() db.init( create_tables() log_queue = Queue() processes = [] for mailbox in imap_process = MailboxNotifier(mailbox) p = Process( target=imap_process.start, name=mailbox.user, args=(log_queue,)) processes.append(p) p.daemon = True p.start() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug("starting up main") log_thread = threading.Thread(target=logger_thread, args=(log_queue,)) log_thread.start() logging.debug(processes) try: for p in processes: p.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.debug("CTRL+C") logging.debug("Keyboard interrupt, shutting down from main") for p in processes: p.terminate() logging.debug("..terminate..") _shutdown.set() log_queue.put(None) log_thread.join() logging.debug("exiting main") if __name__ == "__main__": main()