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Credit is given in the code where appropriate ## IntentShim This plugin defines a `window.plugins.intentShim` object which provides an API for interacting with the Android intent mechanism on any Android device. ## Testing / Example An example application is available at https://github.com/darryncampbell/plugin-intent-api-exerciser to demonstrate the API and can be used to test the functionality. ## Installation ### Cordova Version < 7 cordova plugin add https://github.com/darryncampbell/darryncampbell-cordova-plugin-intent.git ### Cordova Version >= 7 cordova plugin add com-darryncampbell-cordova-plugin-intent ## Supported Platforms - Android ## intentShim.registerBroadcastReceiver Registers a broadcast receiver for the specified filters window.plugins.intentShim.registerBroadcastReceiver(filters, callback); ### Description The `intentShim.registerBroadcastReceiver` function registers a dynamic broadcast receiver for the specified list of filters and invokes the specified callback when any of those filters are received ### Android Quirks Any existing broadcast receiver is unregistered when this method is called. To register for multiple types of broadcast, specify multiple filters. ### Example Register a broadcast receiver for two filters: window.plugins.intentShim.registerBroadcastReceiver({ filterActions: [ 'com.darryncampbell.cordova.plugin.broadcastIntent.ACTION', 'com.darryncampbell.cordova.plugin.broadcastIntent.ACTION_2' ] }, function(intent) { console.log('Received broadcast intent: ' + JSON.stringify(intent.extras)); } ); ## intentShim.unregisterBroadcastReceiver Unregisters the broadcast receiver window.plugins.intentShim.unregisterBroadcastReceiver(); ### Description The `intentShim.unregisterBroadcastReceiver` function unregisters the broadcast receiver registered with `intentShim.registerBroadcastReceiver(filters, callback);`. No further broadcasts will be received for any registered filter after this call. ### Android Quirks The developer is responsible for calling unregister / register when their application goes into the background or comes back to the foreground, if desired. ### Example Unregister the broadcast receiver when the application receives an onPause event: bindEvents: function() { document.addEventListener('pause', this.onPause, false); }, onPause: function() { window.plugins.intentShim.unregisterBroadcastReceiver(); } ## intentShim.sendBroadcast Sends a broadcast intent window.plugins.intentShim.sendBroadcast(action, extras, successCallback, failureCallback); ### Description The `intentShim.sendBroadcast` function sends an Android broadcast intent with a specified action ### Example Send a broadcast intent to a specified action that contains a random number in the extras window.plugins.intentShim.startActivity( { action: "com.darryncampbell.cordova.plugin.intent.ACTION", extras: { 'random.number': Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000) + 1) } }, function() {}, function() {alert('Failed to open URL via Android Intent')} ); ## intentShim.onIntent Returns the content of the intent used whenever the application activity is launched window.plugins.intentShim.onIntent(callback); ### Description The `intentShim.onIntent` function returns the intent which launched the Activity and maps to the Android Activity's onNewIntent() method, https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html#onNewIntent(android.content.Intent). The registered callback is invoked whenever the activity is launched ### Android Quirks By default the android application will be created with launch mode set to 'SingleTop'. If you wish to change this to 'SingleTask' you can do so by modifying `config.xml` as follows: ... See https://www.mobomo.com/2011/06/android-understanding-activity-launchmode/ for more information on the differences between the two. ### Example Registers a callback to be invoked window.plugins.intentShim.onIntent(function (intent) { console.log('Received Intent: ' + JSON.stringify(intent.extras)); }); ## intentShim.startActivity Starts a new activity using an intent built from action, url, type, extras or some subset of those parameters window.plugins.intentShim.startActivity(params, successCallback, failureCallback); ### Description The `intentShim.startActivity` function maps to Android's activity method startActivity, https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html#startActivity(android.content.Intent) to launch a new activity. ### Android Quirks Some common actions are defined as constants in the plugin, see below. ### Examples Launch the maps activity window.plugins.intentShim.startActivity( { action: window.plugins.intentShim.ACTION_VIEW, url: 'geo:0,0?q=London' }, function() {}, function() {alert('Failed to open URL via Android Intent')} ); Launch the web browser window.plugins.intentShim.startActivity( { action: window.plugins.intentShim.ACTION_VIEW, url: 'http://www.google.co.uk' }, function() {}, function() {alert('Failed to open URL via Android Intent')} ); ## intentShim.getIntent Retrieves the intent that launched the activity window.plugins.intentShim.getIntent(resultCallback, failureCallback); ### Description The `intentShim.getIntent` function maps to Android's activity method getIntent, https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html#getIntent() to return the intent that started this activity. ### Example window.plugins.intentShim.getIntent( function(intent) { console.log('Action' + JSON.stringify(intent.action)); var intentExtras = intent.extras; if (intentExtras == null) intentExtras = "No extras in intent"; console.log('Launch Intent Extras: ' + JSON.stringify(intentExtras)); }, function() { console.log('Error getting launch intent'); }); ## intentShim.startActivityForResult Starts a new activity and return the result to the application window.plugins.intentShim.startActivityForResult(params, resultCallback, failureCallback); ### Description The `intentShim.startActivityForResult` function maps to Android's activity method startActivityForResult, https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html#startActivityForResult(android.content.Intent, int) to launch a new activity and the resulting data is returned via the resultCallback. ### Android Quirks Some common actions are defined as constants in the plugin, see below. ### Example Pick an Android contact window.plugins.intentShim.startActivityForResult( { action: window.plugins.intentShim.ACTION_PICK, url: "content://com.android.contacts/contacts", requestCode: 1 }, function(intent) { if (intent.extras.requestCode == 1) { console.log('Picked contact: ' + intent.data); } }, function() { console.log("StartActivityForResult failure"); }); ## Predefined Constants The following constants are defined in the plugin for use in JavaScript - window.plugins.intentShim.ACTION_SEND - window.plugins.intentShim.ACTION_VIEW - window.plugins.intentShim.EXTRA_TEXT - window.plugins.intentShim.EXTRA_SUBJECT - window.plugins.intentShim.EXTRA_STREAM - window.plugins.intentShim.EXTRA_EMAIL - window.plugins.intentShim.ACTION_CALL - window.plugins.intentShim.ACTION_SENDTO - window.plugins.intentShim.ACTION_GET_CONTENT - window.plugins.intentShim.ACTION_PICK ## Tested Versions Tested with Cordova version 6.5.0 and Cordova Android version 6.2.1