/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ /* global exports, cordova, FileTransfer, FileTransferError, FileUploadOptions, LocalFileSystem, WinJS */ /* jshint jasmine: true */ exports.defineAutoTests = function () { "use strict"; // constants var ONE_SECOND = 1000; // in milliseconds var GRACE_TIME_DELTA = 600; // in milliseconds var DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_SIZE = 1024 * 50; // filesystem size in bytes var UNKNOWN_HOST = "http://foobar.apache.org"; var DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT = 15 * ONE_SECOND; var LONG_TIMEOUT = 60 * ONE_SECOND; var UPLOAD_TIMEOUT = 15 * ONE_SECOND; var ABORT_DELAY = 100; // for abort() tests var LATIN1_SYMBOLS = '¥§©ÆÖÑøøø¼'; var DATA_URI_PREFIX = "data:image/png;base64,"; var DATA_URI_CONTENT = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4//8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="; var DATA_URI_CONTENT_LENGTH = 85; // bytes. (This is the raw file size: used https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Red-dot-5px.png from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme) var RETRY_COUNT = 100; // retry some flaky tests (yes, THIS many times, due to Heroku server instability) var RETRY_INTERVAL = 100; // upload test server address // NOTE: // more info at https://github.com/apache/cordova-labs/tree/cordova-filetransfer // Will get it from the config // you can specify it as a 'FILETRANSFER_SERVER_ADDRESS' variable upon test plugin installation // or change the default value in plugin.xml var SERVER = ""; var SERVER_WITH_CREDENTIALS = ""; // flags var isWindows = cordova.platformId === "windows8" || cordova.platformId === "windows"; var isWindowsPhone81 = isWindows && WinJS.Utilities.isPhone; var isWP8 = cordova.platformId === "windowsphone"; var isBrowser = cordova.platformId === "browser"; var isIE = isBrowser && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") >= 0; var isIos = cordova.platformId === "ios"; var isIot = cordova.platformId === "android" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iot") >= 0; // tests describe("FileTransferError", function () { it("should exist", function () { expect(FileTransferError).toBeDefined(); }); it("should be constructable", function () { var transferError = new FileTransferError(); expect(transferError).toBeDefined(); }); it("filetransfer.spec.3 should expose proper constants", function () { expect(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR).toBeDefined(); expect(FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR).toBeDefined(); expect(FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR).toBeDefined(); expect(FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR).toBeDefined(); expect(FileTransferError.NOT_MODIFIED_ERR).toBeDefined(); expect(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR).toBe(1); expect(FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR).toBe(2); expect(FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR).toBe(3); expect(FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR).toBe(4); expect(FileTransferError.NOT_MODIFIED_ERR).toBe(5); }); }); describe("FileUploadOptions", function () { it("should exist", function () { expect(FileUploadOptions).toBeDefined(); }); it("should be constructable", function () { var transferOptions = new FileUploadOptions(); expect(transferOptions).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe("FileTransfer", function () { this.persistentRoot = null; this.tempRoot = null; // named callbacks var unexpectedCallbacks = { httpFail: function () {}, httpWin: function () {}, fileSystemFail: function () {}, fileSystemWin: function () {}, fileOperationFail: function () {}, fileOperationWin: function () {}, }; var expectedCallbacks = { unsupportedOperation: function (response) { console.log("spec called unsupported functionality; response:", response); }, }; // helpers var deleteFile = function (fileSystem, name, done) { fileSystem.getFile(name, null, function (fileEntry) { fileEntry.remove( function () { done(); }, function () { throw new Error("failed to delete: '" + name + "'"); } ); }, function () { done(); } ); }; var writeFile = function (fileSystem, name, content, success, done) { var fileOperationFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.fileOperationFail(); done(); }; fileSystem.getFile(name, { create: true }, function (fileEntry) { fileEntry.createWriter(function (writer) { writer.onwrite = function () { success(fileEntry); }; writer.onabort = function (evt) { throw new Error("aborted creating test file '" + name + "': " + evt); }; writer.error = function (evt) { throw new Error("aborted creating test file '" + name + "': " + evt); }; if (cordova.platformId === "browser") { var blob = new Blob([content + "\n"], { type: "text/plain" }); writer.write(blob); } else { writer.write(content + "\n"); } }, fileOperationFail); }, function () { throw new Error("could not create test file '" + name + "'"); } ); }; // according to documentation, wp8 does not support onProgress: // https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/blob/master/doc/index.md#supported-platforms var wp8OnProgressHandler = function () {}; var defaultOnProgressHandler = function (event) { if (event.lengthComputable) { expect(event.loaded).toBeGreaterThan(1); expect(event.total).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(event.total).not.toBeLessThan(event.loaded); expect(event.lengthComputable).toBe(true, "lengthComputable"); } else { // In IE, when lengthComputable === false, event.total somehow is equal to 2^64 if (isIE) { expect(event.total).toBe(Math.pow(2, 64)); } else { // iOS returns -1, and other platforms return 0 expect(event.total).toBeLessThan(1); } } }; var getMalformedUrl = function () { if (cordova.platformId === "android" || cordova.platformId === "amazon-fireos") { // bad protocol causes a MalformedUrlException on Android return "httpssss://example.com"; } else { // iOS doesn't care about protocol, space in hostname causes error return "httpssss://exa mple.com"; } }; var setServerAddress = function (address) { SERVER = address; SERVER_WITH_CREDENTIALS = SERVER.replace('http://', 'http://cordova_user:cordova_password@'); }; // NOTE: // there are several beforeEach calls, one per async call; since calling done() // signifies a completed async call, each async call needs its own done(), and // therefore its own beforeEach beforeEach(function (done) { var specContext = this; window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_SIZE, function (fileSystem) { specContext.persistentRoot = fileSystem.root; done(); }, function () { throw new Error("Failed to initialize persistent file system."); } ); }); beforeEach(function (done) { var specContext = this; window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY, DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_SIZE, function (fileSystem) { specContext.tempRoot = fileSystem.root; done(); }, function () { throw new Error("Failed to initialize temporary file system."); } ); }); // spy on all named callbacks beforeEach(function() { // ignore the actual implementations of the unexpected callbacks for (var callback in unexpectedCallbacks) { if (unexpectedCallbacks.hasOwnProperty(callback)) { spyOn(unexpectedCallbacks, callback); } } // but run the implementations of the expected callbacks for (callback in expectedCallbacks) { // jshint ignore: line if (expectedCallbacks.hasOwnProperty(callback)) { spyOn(expectedCallbacks, callback).and.callThrough(); } } }); // at the end, check that none of the unexpected callbacks got called, // and act on the expected callbacks afterEach(function() { for (var callback in unexpectedCallbacks) { if (unexpectedCallbacks.hasOwnProperty(callback)) { expect(unexpectedCallbacks[callback]).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } } if (expectedCallbacks.unsupportedOperation.calls.any()) { pending(); } }); it ("util spec: get file transfer server url", function () { try { // attempt to synchronously load medic config var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", "../fileTransferOpts.json", false); xhr.send(null); var parsedCfg = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (parsedCfg.serverAddress) { setServerAddress(parsedCfg.serverAddress); } } catch (ex) { console.error('Unable to load file transfer server url: ' + ex); console.error('Note: if you are testing this on cordova-ios with cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine, that may be why you are getting this error. See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-10144.'); fail(ex); } }); it("should initialise correctly", function() { expect(this.persistentRoot).toBeDefined(); expect(this.tempRoot).toBeDefined(); }); it("should exist", function () { expect(FileTransfer).toBeDefined(); }); it("filetransfer.spec.1 should be constructable", function () { var transfer = new FileTransfer(); expect(transfer).toBeDefined(); }); it("filetransfer.spec.2 should expose proper functions", function () { var transfer = new FileTransfer(); expect(transfer.upload).toBeDefined(); expect(transfer.download).toBeDefined(); expect(transfer.upload).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); expect(transfer.download).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); }); describe("methods", function() { this.transfer = null; this.root = null; this.fileName = null; this.localFilePath = null; beforeEach(function() { this.transfer = new FileTransfer(); // assign onprogress handler this.transfer.onprogress = isWP8 ? wp8OnProgressHandler : defaultOnProgressHandler; // spy on the onprogress handler, but still call through to it spyOn(this.transfer, "onprogress").and.callThrough(); this.root = this.persistentRoot; this.fileName = "testFile.txt"; this.localFilePath = this.root.toURL() + this.fileName; }); // NOTE: // if download tests are failing, check the // URL white list for the following URLs: // - 'httpssss://example.com' // - 'apache.org', with subdomains="true" // - 'cordova-filetransfer.jitsu.com' describe("download", function () { // helpers var verifyDownload = function (fileEntry, specContext) { expect(fileEntry.name).toBe(specContext.fileName); }; // delete the downloaded file afterEach(function (done) { deleteFile(this.root, this.fileName, done); }); it("ensures that test file does not exist", function (done) { deleteFile(this.root, this.fileName, done); }); it("filetransfer.spec.4 should download a file", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/robots.txt"; var specContext = this; var fileWin = function (blob) { if (specContext.transfer.onprogress.calls.any()) { var lastProgressEvent = specContext.transfer.onprogress.calls.mostRecent().args[0]; expect(lastProgressEvent.loaded).not.toBeGreaterThan(blob.size); } else { console.log("no progress events were emitted"); } done(); }; var fileSystemFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.fileSystemFail(); done(); }; var downloadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; var downloadWin = function (entry) { verifyDownload(entry, specContext); // verify the FileEntry representing this file entry.file(fileWin, fileSystemFail); }; specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, specContext.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT * 10); // to give Heroku server some time to wake up it("filetransfer.spec.4.1 should download a file using target name with space", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/robots.txt"; this.fileName = "test file.txt"; this.localFilePath = this.root.toURL() + this.fileName; var specContext = this; var fileWin = function (blob) { if (specContext.transfer.onprogress.calls.any()) { var lastProgressEvent = specContext.transfer.onprogress.calls.mostRecent().args[0]; expect(lastProgressEvent.loaded).not.toBeGreaterThan(blob.size); } else { console.log("no progress events were emitted"); } done(); }; var fileSystemFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.fileSystemFail(); done(); }; var downloadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; var downloadWin = function (entry) { verifyDownload(entry, specContext); // verify the FileEntry representing this file entry.file(fileWin, fileSystemFail); }; specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, specContext.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.5 should download a file using http basic auth", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER_WITH_CREDENTIALS + "/download_basic_auth"; var specContext = this; var downloadWin = function (entry) { verifyDownload(entry, specContext); done(); }; var downloadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, specContext.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.6 should get 401 status on http basic auth failure", function (done) { // NOTE: // using server without credentials var fileURL = SERVER + "/download_basic_auth"; var downloadFail = function (error) { expect(error.http_status).toBe(401); expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(404, "Ensure " + fileURL + " is in the white list"); done(); }; var downloadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; this.transfer.download(fileURL, this.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail, null, { headers: { "If-Modified-Since": "Thu, 19 Mar 2015 00:00:00 GMT" } }); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.7 should download a file using file:// (when hosted from file://)", function (done) { // for Windows platform it's ms-appdata:/// by default, not file:// if (isWindows) { pending(); return; } var fileURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.pathname.replace(/ /g, "%20"); var specContext = this; if (!/^file:/.exec(fileURL) && cordova.platformId !== "blackberry10") { if (cordova.platformId === "windowsphone") { expect(fileURL).toMatch(/^x-wmapp0:/); } done(); return; } var downloadWin = function (entry) { verifyDownload(entry, specContext); done(); }; var downloadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, specContext.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.8 should download a file using https://", function (done) { var fileURL = "https://www.apache.org/licenses/"; var specContext = this; var downloadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; var fileOperationFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.fileOperationFail(); done(); }; var fileSystemFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.fileSystemFail(); done(); }; var fileWin = function (file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onerror = fileOperationFail; reader.onload = function () { expect(reader.result).toMatch(/The Apache Software Foundation/); done(); }; reader.readAsText(file); }; var downloadWin = function (entry) { verifyDownload(entry, specContext); entry.file(fileWin, fileSystemFail); }; specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, specContext.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, isWindows ? LONG_TIMEOUT : DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.11 should call the error callback on abort()", function (done) { var fileURL = "http://cordova.apache.org/downloads/BlueZedEx.mp3"; fileURL = fileURL + "?q=" + (new Date()).getTime(); var specContext = this; var downloadWin = function () { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, specContext.localFilePath, downloadWin, done); setTimeout(function() { specContext.transfer.abort(); }, ABORT_DELAY); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.9 should not leave partial file due to abort", function (done) { var fileURL = "http://cordova.apache.org/downloads/logos_2.zip"; var specContext = this; var fileSystemWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.fileSystemWin(); done(); }; var downloadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; var downloadFail = function (error) { var result = (error.code === FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR || error.code === FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR)? true: false; if (!result) { fail("Expected " + error.code + " to be " + FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR + " or " + FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR); } expect(specContext.transfer.onprogress).toHaveBeenCalled(); // check that there is no file specContext.root.getFile(specContext.fileName, null, fileSystemWin, done); }; // abort at the first onprogress event specContext.transfer.onprogress = function (event) { if (event.loaded > 0) { specContext.transfer.abort(); } }; spyOn(specContext.transfer, "onprogress").and.callThrough(); specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, specContext.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, isWindows ? LONG_TIMEOUT : DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.10 should be stopped by abort()", function (done) { var fileURL = "http://cordova.apache.org/downloads/BlueZedEx.mp3"; fileURL = fileURL + "?q=" + (new Date()).getTime(); var specContext = this; expect(specContext.transfer.abort).not.toThrow(); // should be a no-op. var downloadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; var downloadFail = function (error) { expect(error.code).toBe(FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR); // delay calling done() to wait for the bogus abort() setTimeout(done, GRACE_TIME_DELTA * 2); }; specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, specContext.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); setTimeout(function() { specContext.transfer.abort(); }, ABORT_DELAY); // call abort() again, after a time greater than the grace period setTimeout(function () { expect(specContext.transfer.abort).not.toThrow(); }, GRACE_TIME_DELTA); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.12 should get http status on failure", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/404"; var downloadFail = function (error) { expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(401, "Ensure " + fileURL + " is in the white list"); expect(error.http_status).toBe(404); // wp8 does not make difference between 404 and unknown host if (isWP8) { expect(error.code).toBe(FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR); } else { expect(error.code).toBe(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR); } done(); }; var downloadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; this.transfer.download(fileURL, this.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.13 should get http body on failure", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/404"; var downloadFail = function (error) { expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(401, "Ensure " + fileURL + " is in the white list"); expect(error.http_status).toBe(404); expect(error.body).toBeDefined(); expect(error.body).toMatch("You requested a 404"); done(); }; var downloadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; this.transfer.download(fileURL, this.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.14 should handle malformed urls", function (done) { var fileURL = getMalformedUrl(); var downloadFail = function (error) { // Note: Android needs the bad protocol to be added to the access list // won't match because ^https?:// is prepended to the regex // The bad protocol must begin with http to avoid automatic prefix expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(401, "Ensure " + fileURL + " is in the white list"); expect(error.code).toBe(FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR); done(); }; var downloadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; this.transfer.download(fileURL, this.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }); it("filetransfer.spec.15 should handle unknown host", function (done) { var fileURL = UNKNOWN_HOST; var downloadFail = function (error) { expect(error.code).toBe(FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR); done(); }; var downloadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; // turn off the onprogress handler this.transfer.onprogress = function () {}; this.transfer.download(fileURL, this.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, isWindows ? LONG_TIMEOUT : DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.16 should handle bad file path", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER; var downloadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; this.transfer.download(fileURL, "c:\\54321", downloadWin, done); }); it("filetransfer.spec.17 progress should work with gzip encoding", function (done) { // lengthComputable false on bb10 when downloading gzip if (cordova.platformId === "blackberry10") { pending(); return; } var fileURL = "http://www.apache.org/"; var specContext = this; var downloadWin = function (entry) { verifyDownload(entry, specContext); done(); }; var downloadFail = function () { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, specContext.localFilePath, downloadWin,downloadFail); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.30 downloaded file entries should have a toNativeURL method", function (done) { if (cordova.platformId === "browser") { pending(); return; } var fileURL = SERVER + "/robots.txt"; var downloadWin = function (entry) { expect(entry.toNativeURL).toBeDefined(); expect(entry.toNativeURL).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); var nativeURL = entry.toNativeURL(); expect(nativeURL).toBeTruthy(); expect(nativeURL).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)); if (isWindows) { expect(nativeURL.substring(0, 14)).toBe("ms-appdata:///"); } else if (isWP8) { expect(nativeURL.substring(0, 1)).toBe("/"); } else { expect(nativeURL.substring(0, 7)).toBe("file://"); } done(); }; var downloadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; this.transfer.download(fileURL, this.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.28 (compatibility) should be able to download a file using local paths", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/robots.txt"; var specContext = this; var unsupported = function (response) { expectedCallbacks.unsupportedOperation(response); done(); }; var downloadWin = function (entry) { verifyDownload(entry, specContext); done(); }; var internalFilePath; if (specContext.root.toInternalURL) { internalFilePath = specContext.root.toInternalURL() + specContext.fileName; } else { internalFilePath = specContext.localFilePath; } var downloadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; // This is an undocumented interface to File which exists only for testing // backwards compatibilty. By obtaining the raw filesystem path of the download // location, we can pass that to transfer.download() to make sure that previously-stored // paths are still valid. cordova.exec(function (localPath) { specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, localPath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, unsupported, "File", "_getLocalFilesystemPath", [internalFilePath]); }); it("filetransfer.spec.33 should properly handle 304", function (done) { if (isWP8) { pending(); return; } var downloadFail = function (error) { expect(error.http_status).toBe(304); expect(error.code).toBe(FileTransferError.NOT_MODIFIED_ERR); done(); }; var downloadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; this.transfer.download(SERVER + '/304', this.localFilePath, downloadWin, downloadFail); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.35 304 should not result in the deletion of a cached file", function (done) { if (isWP8) { pending(); return; } var specContext = this; var fileOperationFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.fileOperationFail(); done(); }; var fileSystemFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.fileSystemFail(); done(); }; var httpWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; var downloadFail = function (error) { expect(error.http_status).toBe(304); expect(error.code).toBe(FileTransferError.NOT_MODIFIED_ERR); specContext.persistentRoot.getFile(specContext.fileName, { create: false }, function (entry) { var fileWin = function (file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onerror = fileOperationFail; reader.onloadend = function () { expect(reader.result).toBeTruthy(); if (reader.result !== null) { expect(reader.result.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); } done(); }; reader.readAsBinaryString(file); }; entry.file(fileWin, fileSystemFail); }, function (err) { expect("Could not open test file '" + specContext.fileName + "': " + JSON.stringify(err)).not.toBeDefined(); done(); } ); }; writeFile(specContext.root, specContext.fileName, 'Temp data', function () { specContext.transfer.download(SERVER + '/304', specContext.localFilePath, httpWin, downloadFail); }, fileOperationFail); }, DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.36 should handle non-UTF8 encoded download response", function (done) { // Only iOS is supported: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-9840 if (!isIos) { pending(); } var fileURL = SERVER + '/download_non_utf'; var specContext = this; var fileOperationFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.fileOperationFail(); done(); }; var fileSystemFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.fileSystemFail(); done(); }; var httpFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; var fileWin = function (blob) { if (specContext.transfer.onprogress.calls.any()) { var lastProgressEvent = specContext.transfer.onprogress.calls.mostRecent().args[0]; expect(lastProgressEvent.loaded).not.toBeGreaterThan(blob.size); } else { console.log("no progress events were emitted"); } expect(blob.size).toBeGreaterThan(0); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onerror = fileOperationFail; reader.onloadend = function () { expect(reader.result.indexOf(LATIN1_SYMBOLS)).not.toBe(-1); done(); }; reader.readAsBinaryString(blob); }; var downloadWin = function (entry) { verifyDownload(entry, specContext); // verify the FileEntry representing this file entry.file(fileWin, fileSystemFail); }; specContext.transfer.download(fileURL, specContext.localFilePath, downloadWin, httpFail); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); }); describe("upload", function() { this.uploadParams = null; this.uploadOptions = null; this.fileName = null; this.fileContents = null; this.localFilePath = null; // helpers var verifyUpload = function (uploadResult, specContext) { expect(uploadResult.bytesSent).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(uploadResult.responseCode).toBe(200); var obj = null; try { obj = JSON.parse(uploadResult.response); expect(obj.fields).toBeDefined(); expect(obj.fields.value1).toBe("test"); expect(obj.fields.value2).toBe("param"); } catch (e) { expect(obj).not.toBeNull("returned data from server should be valid json"); } expect(specContext.transfer.onprogress).toHaveBeenCalled(); }; beforeEach(function(done) { var specContext = this; specContext.fileName = "fileToUpload.txt"; specContext.fileContents = "upload test file"; specContext.uploadParams = {}; specContext.uploadParams.value1 = "test"; specContext.uploadParams.value2 = "param"; specContext.uploadOptions = new FileUploadOptions(); specContext.uploadOptions.fileKey = "file"; specContext.uploadOptions.fileName = specContext.fileName; specContext.uploadOptions.mimeType = "text/plain"; specContext.uploadOptions.params = specContext.uploadParams; var fileWin = function (entry) { specContext.localFilePath = entry.toURL(); done(); }; // create a file to upload writeFile(specContext.root, specContext.fileName, specContext.fileContents, fileWin, done); }); // delete the uploaded file afterEach(function (done) { deleteFile(this.root, this.fileName, done); }); it("filetransfer.spec.18 should be able to upload a file", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var specContext = this; var uploadWin = function (uploadResult) { verifyUpload(uploadResult, specContext); if (cordova.platformId === "ios") { expect(uploadResult.headers).toBeDefined("Expected headers to be defined."); expect(uploadResult.headers["Content-Type"]).toBeDefined("Expected content-type header to be defined."); } done(); }; var uploadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout specContext.transfer.upload(specContext.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, specContext.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.19 should be able to upload a file with http basic auth", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER_WITH_CREDENTIALS + "/upload_basic_auth"; var specContext = this; var uploadWin = function (uploadResult) { verifyUpload(uploadResult, specContext); done(); }; var uploadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout specContext.transfer.upload(specContext.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, specContext.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.21 should be stopped by abort()", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var specContext = this; var uploadFail = function (e) { expect(e.code).toBe(FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR); // delay calling done() to wait for the bogus abort() setTimeout(done, GRACE_TIME_DELTA * 2); }; var uploadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; var fileWin = function () { expect(specContext.transfer.abort).not.toThrow(); // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout specContext.transfer.upload(specContext.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, specContext.uploadOptions); setTimeout(function() { specContext.transfer.abort(); }, ABORT_DELAY); setTimeout(function () { expect(specContext.transfer.abort).not.toThrow(); }, GRACE_TIME_DELTA); }; // windows store and ios are too fast, win is called before we have a chance to abort // so let's get them busy - while not providing an extra load to the slow Android emulators var arrayLength = ((isWindows && !isWindowsPhone81) || isIos) ? 3000000 : isIot ? 150000 : 200000; writeFile(specContext.root, specContext.fileName, new Array(arrayLength).join("aborttest!"), fileWin, done); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.22 should get http status and body on failure", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/403"; var retryCount = 0; var self = this; var uploadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; var uploadFail = function (error) { if (error.http_status === 503 && ++retryCount <= RETRY_COUNT) { // Heroku often gives this error, retry in 1 second console.log('retrying... ' + retryCount); setTimeout(function () { self.transfer.upload(self.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, self.uploadOptions); }, RETRY_INTERVAL); } else { expect(error.http_status).toBe(403); expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(401, "Ensure " + fileURL + " is in the white list"); done(); } }; self.transfer.upload(this.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, this.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT * 11); it("filetransfer.spec.24 should handle malformed urls", function (done) { var fileURL = getMalformedUrl(); var uploadFail = function (error) { expect(error.code).toBe(FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR); expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(401, "Ensure " + fileURL + " is in the white list"); done(); }; var uploadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; this.transfer.upload(this.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, {}); }); it("filetransfer.spec.25 should handle unknown host", function (done) { var fileURL = UNKNOWN_HOST; var uploadFail = function (error) { expect(error.code).toBe(FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR); expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(401, "Ensure " + fileURL + " is in the white list"); done(); }; var uploadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; this.transfer.upload(this.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, {}); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.25 should handle missing file", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var uploadFail = function (error) { expect(error.code).toBe(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR); expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(401, "Ensure " + fileURL + " is in the white list"); done(); }; var uploadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; this.transfer.upload("does_not_exist.txt", fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.26 should handle bad file path", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var uploadFail = function (error) { expect(error.http_status).not.toBe(401, "Ensure " + fileURL + " is in the white list"); done(); }; var uploadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; this.transfer.upload("c:\\54321", fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail); }); it("filetransfer.spec.27 should be able to set custom headers", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + '/upload_echo_headers'; var retryCount = 0; var self = this; var uploadWin = function (uploadResult) { expect(uploadResult.bytesSent).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(uploadResult.responseCode).toBe(200); expect(uploadResult.response).toBeDefined(); var responseHtml = decodeURIComponent(uploadResult.response); expect(responseHtml).toMatch(/CustomHeader1[\s\S]*CustomValue1/i); expect(responseHtml).toMatch(/CustomHeader2[\s\S]*CustomValue2[\s\S]*CustomValue3/i, "Should allow array values"); done(); }; var uploadFail = function() { if (++retryCount >= RETRY_COUNT) { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); } else { console.log('retrying... ' + retryCount); setTimeout(function () { // NOTE: removing uploadOptions will cause Android to timeout self.transfer.upload(self.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, self.uploadOptions); }, RETRY_INTERVAL); } }; this.uploadOptions.headers = { "CustomHeader1": "CustomValue1", "CustomHeader2": ["CustomValue2", "CustomValue3"], }; // http://whatheaders.com does not support Transfer-Encoding: chunked this.uploadOptions.chunkedMode = false; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout this.transfer.upload(this.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, this.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT * 11); it("filetransfer.spec.29 (compatibility) should be able to upload a file using local paths", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var specContext = this; var unsupported = function (response) { expectedCallbacks.unsupportedOperation(response); done(); }; var uploadWin = function (uploadResult) { verifyUpload(uploadResult, specContext); done(); }; var uploadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; var internalFilePath; if (specContext.root.toInternalURL) { internalFilePath = specContext.root.toInternalURL() + specContext.fileName; } else { internalFilePath = specContext.localFilePath; } // This is an undocumented interface to File which exists only for testing // backwards compatibilty. By obtaining the raw filesystem path of the download // location, we can pass that to transfer.download() to make sure that previously-stored // paths are still valid. cordova.exec(function (localPath) { specContext.transfer.upload(localPath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, specContext.uploadOptions); }, unsupported, "File", "_getLocalFilesystemPath", [internalFilePath]); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.31 should be able to upload a file using PUT method", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var specContext = this; var uploadWin = function (uploadResult) { verifyUpload(uploadResult, specContext); if (cordova.platformId === "ios") { expect(uploadResult.headers).toBeDefined("Expected headers to be defined."); expect(uploadResult.headers["Content-Type"]).toBeDefined("Expected content-type header to be defined."); } done(); }; var uploadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; specContext.uploadOptions.httpMethod = "PUT"; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout specContext.transfer.upload(specContext.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, specContext.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.32 should be able to upload a file (non-multipart)", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var specContext = this; var uploadWin = function (uploadResult) { expect(uploadResult.bytesSent).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(uploadResult.responseCode).toBe(200); expect(uploadResult.response).toBeDefined(); if (uploadResult.response) { expect(uploadResult.response).toEqual(specContext.fileContents + "\n"); } expect(specContext.transfer.onprogress).toHaveBeenCalled(); if (cordova.platformId === "ios") { expect(uploadResult.headers).toBeDefined("Expected headers to be defined."); expect(uploadResult.headers["Content-Type"]).toBeDefined("Expected content-type header to be defined."); } done(); }; var uploadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; // Content-Type header disables multipart specContext.uploadOptions.headers = { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout specContext.transfer.upload(specContext.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, specContext.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.34 should not delete a file on upload error", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var specContext = this; var uploadFail = function (e) { expect(e.code).toBe(FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR); // check that the file is there specContext.root.getFile(specContext.fileName, null, function(entry) { expect(entry).toBeDefined(); // delay calling done() to wait for the bogus abort() setTimeout(done, GRACE_TIME_DELTA * 2); }, function(err) { expect(err).not.toBeDefined(err && err.code); done(); }); }; var uploadWin = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpWin(); done(); }; var fileWin = function () { expect(specContext.transfer.abort).not.toThrow(); // abort at the first onprogress event specContext.transfer.onprogress = function (event) { if (event.loaded > 0) { specContext.transfer.abort(); } }; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout specContext.transfer.upload(specContext.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, specContext.uploadOptions); }; writeFile(specContext.root, specContext.fileName, new Array(100000).join("aborttest!"), fileWin, done); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.37 should handle non-UTF8 encoded upload response", function (done) { // Only iOS is supported: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-9840 if (!isIos) { pending(); } var fileURL = SERVER + '/upload_non_utf'; var specContext = this; var uploadWin = function (uploadResult) { verifyUpload(uploadResult, specContext); var obj = null; try { obj = JSON.parse(uploadResult.response); expect(obj.latin1Symbols).toBe(LATIN1_SYMBOLS); } catch (e) { expect(obj).not.toBeNull("returned data from server should be valid json"); } if (cordova.platformId === 'ios') { expect(uploadResult.headers).toBeDefined('Expected headers to be defined.'); expect(uploadResult.headers['Content-Type']).toBeDefined('Expected content-type header to be defined.'); } done(); }; var uploadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout specContext.transfer.upload(specContext.localFilePath, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, specContext.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.38 should be able to upload a file using data: source uri", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var specContext = this; var uploadWin = function (uploadResult) { verifyUpload(uploadResult,specContext); var obj = null; try { obj = JSON.parse(uploadResult.response); expect(obj.files.file.size).toBe(DATA_URI_CONTENT_LENGTH); } catch (e) { expect(obj).not.toBeNull("returned data from server should be valid json"); } if (cordova.platformId === "ios") { expect(uploadResult.headers).toBeDefined("Expected headers to be defined."); expect(uploadResult.headers["Content-Type"]).toBeDefined("Expected content-type header to be defined."); } done(); }; var dataUri = DATA_URI_PREFIX + DATA_URI_CONTENT; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout specContext.transfer.upload(dataUri, fileURL, uploadWin, function (err) { console.error('err: ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err).not.toBeDefined(); done(); }, specContext.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.39 should be able to upload a file using data: source uri (non-multipart)", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var uploadWin = function (uploadResult) { expect(uploadResult.responseCode).toBe(200); expect(uploadResult.bytesSent).toBeGreaterThan(0); if (cordova.platformId === "ios") { expect(uploadResult.headers).toBeDefined("Expected headers to be defined."); expect(uploadResult.headers["Content-Type"]).toBeDefined("Expected content-type header to be defined."); } done(); }; var uploadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; // Content-Type header disables multipart this.uploadOptions.headers = { "Content-Type": "image/png" }; var dataUri = DATA_URI_PREFIX + DATA_URI_CONTENT; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout this.transfer.upload(dataUri, fileURL, uploadWin, uploadFail, this.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.40 should not fail to upload a file using data: source uri when the data is empty", function (done) { var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; var dataUri = DATA_URI_PREFIX; var uploadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout this.transfer.upload(dataUri, fileURL, done, uploadFail, this.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); it("filetransfer.spec.41 should not fail to upload a file using data: source uri when the data is empty (non-multipart)", function (done) { if (isIos) { // iOS does not support uploads of an empty file with __chunkedMode=true__ and `multipartMode=false`: // request body will be empty in this case instead of 0\n\n. pending(); } var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload"; // Content-Type header disables multipart this.uploadOptions.headers = { "Content-Type": "image/png" }; // turn off the onprogress handler this.transfer.onprogress = function () { }; var dataUri = DATA_URI_PREFIX; var uploadFail = function() { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); }; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout this.transfer.upload(dataUri, fileURL, done, uploadFail, this.uploadOptions); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT); describe("chunkedMode handling", function() { var testChunkedModeWin = function (uploadResult, specContext) { var multipartModeEnabled = !(specContext.uploadOptions.headers && specContext.uploadOptions.headers["Content-Type"]); var obj = null; try { obj = JSON.parse(uploadResult.response); if (specContext.uploadOptions.chunkedMode) { if (!isIos) { expect(obj["content-length"]).not.toBeDefined("Expected Content-Length not to be defined"); } expect(obj["transfer-encoding"].toLowerCase()).toEqual("chunked"); } else { expect(obj["content-length"]).toBeDefined("Expected Content-Length to be defined"); expect(obj["transfer-encoding"].toLowerCase()).not.toEqual("chunked"); } if (multipartModeEnabled) { expect(obj["content-type"].indexOf("multipart/form-data")).not.toBe(-1); } else { expect(obj["content-type"].indexOf("multipart/form-data")).toBe(-1); } } catch (e) { expect(obj).not.toBeNull("returned data from server should be valid json"); } }; var testChunkedModeBase = function(chunkedMode, multipart, done) { var retryCount = 0; var fileURL = SERVER + "/upload_echo_headers"; var specContext = this; specContext.uploadOptions.chunkedMode = chunkedMode; if (!multipart) { // Content-Type header disables multipart specContext.uploadOptions.headers = { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }; } var uploadFail = function() { if (++retryCount >= RETRY_COUNT) { unexpectedCallbacks.httpFail(); done(); } else { console.log('retrying... ' + retryCount); setTimeout(function () { // NOTE: removing uploadOptions will cause Android to timeout specContext.transfer.upload(specContext.localFilePath, fileURL, function (uploadResult) { testChunkedModeWin(uploadResult, specContext); done(); }, uploadFail, specContext.uploadOptions); }, RETRY_INTERVAL); } }; // turn off the onprogress handler this.transfer.onprogress = function () {}; // NOTE: removing uploadOptions cause Android to timeout specContext.transfer.upload(specContext.localFilePath, fileURL, function (uploadResult) { testChunkedModeWin(uploadResult, specContext); done(); }, uploadFail, specContext.uploadOptions); }; it("filetransfer.spec.42 chunkedMode=false, multipart=false", function (done) { testChunkedModeBase.call(this, false, false, done); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT * 11); it("filetransfer.spec.43 chunkedMode=true, multipart=false", function (done) { if (isWindows) { pending(); } testChunkedModeBase.call(this, true, false, done); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT * 11); it("filetransfer.spec.44 chunkedMode=false, multipart=true", function (done) { testChunkedModeBase.call(this, false, true, done); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT * 11); it("filetransfer.spec.45 chunkedMode=true, multipart=true", function (done) { if (isWindows) { pending(); } testChunkedModeBase.call(this, true, true, done); }, UPLOAD_TIMEOUT * 11); }); }); }); }); }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ exports.defineManualTests = function (contentEl, createActionButton) { "use strict"; var imageURL = "http://apache.org/images/feather-small.gif"; var videoURL = "http://techslides.com/demos/sample-videos/small.mp4"; function clearResults() { var results = document.getElementById("info"); results.innerHTML = ""; } function downloadImg(source, urlFn, element, directory) { var filename = source.substring(source.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); filename = (directory || "") + filename; function download(fileSystem) { var ft = new FileTransfer(); console.log("Starting download"); var progress = document.getElementById("loadingStatus"); progress.value = 0; ft.onprogress = function(progressEvent) { if (progressEvent.lengthComputable) { var currPercents = parseInt(100 * (progressEvent.loaded / progressEvent.total), 10); if (currPercents > progress.value) { progress.value = currPercents; } } else { progress.value = null; } }; ft.download(source, fileSystem.root.toURL() + filename, function (entry) { console.log("Download complete"); element.src = urlFn(entry); console.log("Src URL is " + element.src); console.log("Inserting element"); document.getElementById("info").appendChild(element); }, function (e) { console.log("ERROR: ft.download " + e.code); }); } console.log("Requesting filesystem"); clearResults(); window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY, 0, function (fileSystem) { console.log("Checking for existing file"); if (typeof directory !== "undefined") { console.log("Checking for existing directory."); fileSystem.root.getDirectory(directory, {}, function (dirEntry) { dirEntry.removeRecursively(function () { download(fileSystem); }, function () { console.log("ERROR: dirEntry.removeRecursively"); }); }, function () { download(fileSystem); }); } else { fileSystem.root.getFile(filename, { create: false }, function (entry) { console.log("Removing existing file"); entry.remove(function () { download(fileSystem); }, function () { console.log("ERROR: entry.remove"); }); }, function () { download(fileSystem); }); } }, function () { console.log("ERROR: requestFileSystem"); }); } /******************************************************************************/ var progress_tag = ""; var file_transfer_tests = "

Image File Transfer Tests

" + "

The following tests should display an image of the Apache feather in the status box

" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "

Video File Transfer Tests

" + "

The following tests should display a video in the status box. The video should play when play is pressed

" + "
" + "
"; contentEl.innerHTML = "
" + "
" + progress_tag + file_transfer_tests; createActionButton("Download and display img (cdvfile)", function () { downloadImg(imageURL, function (entry) { return entry.toInternalURL(); }, new Image()); }, "cdv_image"); createActionButton("Download and display img (native)", function () { downloadImg(imageURL, function (entry) { return entry.toURL(); }, new Image()); }, "native_image"); createActionButton("Download to a non-existent dir (should work)", function () { downloadImg(imageURL, function (entry) { return entry.toURL(); }, new Image(), "/nonExistentDirTest/"); }, "non-existent_dir"); createActionButton("Download and play video (cdvfile)", function () { var videoElement = document.createElement("video"); videoElement.controls = "controls"; downloadImg(videoURL, function (entry) { return entry.toInternalURL(); }, videoElement); }, "cdv_video"); createActionButton("Download and play video (native)", function () { var videoElement = document.createElement("video"); videoElement.controls = "controls"; downloadImg(videoURL, function (entry) { return entry.toURL(); }, videoElement); }, "native_video"); };