import yaml import requests import pnutpy import websocket import threading import logging import time import json import random import re import argparse import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine, and_ from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from partybot.models import Base, Karma, Optout, Queue, Preferences, MdnpRequests _startup = threading.Event() _shutdown = threading.Event() _connected = threading.Event() _error = threading.Event() logger = logging.getLogger() config = {} db_session = None SNAP_DATA = os.environ.get('SNAP_DATA') def subscribe(connection_id): url = f"{config['CHANNEL']}/messages" url += "?connection_id=" + connection_id headers = {'Authorization': "Bearer " + config['ACCESS_TOKEN']} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: _connected.set() if _startup.isSet(): send(config['CHANNEL'], "Partybot online and ready! \o/") _startup.clear() else: logger.error(r) def send(room, text): pnutpy.api.create_message(room, data={'text': text}) def echo(room, text): logger.debug(text) send(room, text) def help(room): reply = "You can earn karma by making #MNDP requests!" reply += " Your first request, and every 10 after earns you karma.\n\n" reply += "You can upvote or downvote others by mentioning them with the following...\n\n" reply += " to vote up: +1, ++, \U0001F44D \n" reply += " to vote down: -1, --, \U0001F44E \n" reply += "\n" reply += "You can use the following commands\n\n" reply += "!karma -- show the current karma ratings\n" reply += "!optout -- remove yourself from karma ratings\n" reply += "!optin -- add yourself to karma ratings\n" reply += "!chimpnut -- toggle special ChimPnut alerts\n" reply += "!botsnack -- give @partybot a special treat\n" send(room, reply) def botsnack(room): replies = [ "Nom nom nom.", "Ooooh", "Yummi!", "Delightful.", "That makes me happy", "How kind!", "Sweet.", "*burp*", ] send(room, random.choice(replies)) def botdrink(room): replies = [ "Hold my beer.", "Ooooh", "Delightful.", "That makes me happy", "How kind!", "Sweet.", "*burp*", "Hmmm tasty", "Hey, this glass is empty!" ] send(room, random.choice(replies)) def optout(msg): karma = Karma.query.filter(Karma.userid == if karma: db_session.delete(karma) counter = MdnpRequests.query.filter(MdnpRequests.userid == if counter: db_session.delete(counter) entry = Optout.query.filter(Optout.userid == if entry is None: entry = Optout( db_session.add(entry) db_session.commit() reply = "@" + msg.user.username reply += " you have been removed from the karma table" send(msg.channel_id, reply) def optin(msg): entry = Optout.query.filter(Optout.userid == if entry: db_session.delete(entry) reply = "@" + msg.user.username reply += " you are able to earn karma" send(msg.channel_id, reply) def upvote(room, user, prefs): karma = Karma.query.filter(Karma.userid == if karma is None: karma = Karma(, chanid=room, karma=1) db_session.add(karma) else: karma.karma = karma.karma + 1 db_session.commit() if prefs.chimpnut: prefix = "/karma " else: prefix = "" reply = prefix + "@" + user.username reply += " now has " + str(karma.karma) + " karma in this channel" send(room, reply) def downvote(room, user, prefs): karma = Karma.query.filter(Karma.userid == if karma is None: karma = Karma(, chanid=room, karma=-1) db_session.add(karma) else: karma.karma = karma.karma - 1 db_session.commit() if prefs.chimpnut: prefix = "/karma " else: prefix = "" reply = prefix + "@" + user.username reply += " now has " + str(karma.karma) + " karma in this channel" send(room, reply) def karma(room): reply = "Karma standings\n\n" results = Karma.query.filter(Karma.chanid == room).order_by(Karma.karma.desc()).all() for entry in results: user, meta = pnutpy.api.get_user(entry.userid) reply += user.username + ": " + str(entry.karma) + "\n" send(room, reply) def chimpnut(msg): prefs = Preferences.query.filter(Preferences.userid == if prefs is None: prefs = Preferences(, chimpnut=False) db_session.add(prefs) if prefs.chimpnut: prefs.chimpnut = False reply = "@" + msg.user.username + " ChimPnut alert is now disabled" else: prefs.chimpnut = True reply = "/Mac @" + msg.user.username + " ChimPnut alert is now enabled" db_session.commit() send(msg.channel_id, reply) def on_command(msg): room = msg.channel_id args = msg.content.text.split(' ', 1) if args[0] == "!help": help(msg.channel_id) elif args[0] == "!botsnack": botsnack(msg.channel_id) elif args[0] == "!botdrink": botdrink(msg.channel_id) elif args[0] == "!optout": optout(msg) elif args[0] == "!optin": optin(msg) elif args[0] == "!chimpnut": chimpnut(msg) elif args[0] == "!karma": karma(msg.channel_id) def on_vote(msg, matcher): canidate = vote = if canidate == config['MNDPUSER']: return try: pnutuser, meta = pnutpy.api.get_user("@" + canidate) if msg.user.username == pnutuser.username: logger.debug(pnutuser.username) logger.debug(canidate) reply = "@" + msg.user.username reply += " silly human, your karma must be decided by others!" send(msg.channel_id, reply) return except pnutpy.errors.PnutMissing: reply = "@" + msg.user.username reply += " I do not know who that is" send(msg.channel_id, reply) return optout = Optout.query.filter(Optout.userid == if optout: reply = "@" + msg.user.username reply += " user has chosen not to receive karma" send(msg.channel_id, reply) return prefs = Preferences.query.filter(Preferences.userid == if prefs is None: prefs = Preferences(, chimpnut=True) db_session.add(prefs) db_session.commit() logger.debug("-- VOTING " + vote) upvotes = [ "++", ":thumbsup:", ":+1:", "+1", "\U0001F44D" ] downvotes = [ "--", ":thumbsdown:", ":-1:", "-1", "\U0001F44E" ] if vote in upvotes: upvote(msg.channel_id, pnutuser, prefs) elif vote in downvotes: downvote(msg.channel_id, pnutuser, prefs) def on_mention(msg): # TODO: use for even more magic return def on_mndp(msg): tags = [e.text for e in msg.content.entities.tags] mentions = [e.text for e in msg.content.entities.mentions] if "NowPlaying" not in tags: return for m in mentions: addkarma = False try: pnutuser, meta = pnutpy.api.get_user("@" + m) optout = Optout.query.filter(Optout.userid == if optout: continue prefs = Preferences.query.filter(Preferences.userid == if prefs is None: prefs = Preferences(, chimpnut=True) db_session.add(prefs) db_session.commit() entry = MdnpRequests.query.filter(MdnpRequests.userid == if entry is None: entry = MdnpRequests(, requests=0) db_session.add(entry) addkarma = True entry.requests = entry.requests + 1 db_session.commit() if entry.requests % 10 == 0 or addkarma: upvote(msg.channel_id, pnutuser, prefs) except pnutpy.errors.PnutMissing: continue def on_message(ws, message): logger.debug("on_message: " + message) msg = json.loads(message) if not _connected.isSet() and 'connection_id' in msg['meta']: if _startup.isSet(): send(config['CHANNEL'], "...connecting circuits...") logger.debug("connection_id: " + msg['meta']['connection_id']) subscribe(msg['meta']['connection_id']) return if 'data' in msg: if "channel_type" in msg['meta'] and msg['meta']['channel_type'] == "": for d_item in msg['data']: pmsg = pnutpy.models.Message.from_response_data(d_item) if 'is_deleted' in msg['meta']: return vpattern = r"([\w]+)\s?(\-\-|\+\+|\U0001F44D|\U0001F44E|\:thumbsup\:|\:\+1\:|\:thumbsdown\:|\:-1\:|\+1|-1)" votes =, pmsg.content.text) if pmsg.user.username == config['USERNAME']: return if pmsg.user.username == config['MNDPUSER']: on_mndp(pmsg) elif config['USERNAME'] in [e.text for e in pmsg.content.entities.mentions]: on_mention(pmsg) elif pmsg.content.text.startswith('!'): on_command(pmsg) elif votes: on_vote(pmsg, votes) def on_error(ws, error): logger.error("on_error: !!! ERROR !!!") logger.error(error) _error.set() def on_close(ws, status_code, msg): # send(config['CHANNEL'], "...shutdown initiated...") logger.debug("on_close: ### CLOSED ###") logger.debug(status_code, msg) _connected.clear() def on_open(ws): def run(*args): if "MONITOR_URL" in config: r = requests.get(config['MONITOR_URL']) step = 0 while not _error.isSet(): qmsg = Queue.query.one_or_none() if qmsg: send(config['CHANNEL'], qmsg.msg) db_session.delete(qmsg) db_session.commit() ws.send(".") if "MONITOR_URL" in config and step > 5: r = requests.get(config['MONITOR_URL']) step = 0 elif "MONITOR_URL" in config: step += 1 time.sleep(5) logger.debug("*** terminate ***") t = threading.Thread(target=run) t.start() def main(): global config global db_session a_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() a_parser.add_argument( '-d', action='store_true', dest='debug', help="debug logging" ) a_parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', default="config.yaml", help="configuration file" ) a_parser.add_argument( '-s', '--store', default="store.db", help="database store url" ) args = a_parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if SNAP_DATA is None: filename = args.config db_url = else: filename = SNAP_DATA + '/config.yaml' db_url = 'sqlite:///' + SNAP_DATA + '/store.db' with open(filename, 'rb') as config_file: config = yaml.load(config_file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) engine = create_engine(db_url) db_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine)) Base.query = db_session.query_property() Base.metadata.create_all(bind=engine) if len(config['ACCESS_TOKEN']) <= 1: logger.error("Error, invalid access token") logger.error(f"You may not have updated " + filename) exit(-1) pnutpy.api.add_authorization_token(config['ACCESS_TOKEN']) ws_url = "wss://" ws_url += "?access_token=" + config['ACCESS_TOKEN'] # setup the websocket connection ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(ws_url, on_message=on_message, on_error=on_error, on_close=on_close) ws.on_open = on_open r = True _startup.set() while r: _error.clear() r = ws.run_forever() if __name__ == "__main__": main()