import logging import yaml import time import pnutpy from matrix_bot_api.matrix_bot_api import MatrixBotAPI from matrix_bot_api.mregex_handler import MRegexHandler from matrix_bot_api.mcommand_handler import MCommandHandler from models import Avatars, Rooms, Events, Users from database import db_session from sqlalchemy import and_ def help_cb(room, event): reply = "This is an admin room for controlling your connection to\n" reply += "The following commands are available.\n\n" reply += "!auth - Authorize your account on\n" reply += "!save - Save your auth token\n" reply += "!drop - Drop your auth token\n" reply += "!status - Status of your auth token\n" room.send_notice(reply) def auth_cb(room, event): reply = "Visit the following URL to authorize your account on\n\n" reply += "" reply += "?client_id=6SeCRCpCZkmZOKFLFGWbcdAeq2fX1M5t" reply += "&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" reply += "&scope=write_post,presence,messages&response_type=token\n\n" reply += "You will be provided with a token that you store with the !save command.\n" room.send_notice(reply) def save_cb(room, event): args = event['content']['body'].split(' ', maxsplit=1) if len(args) < 2: reply = "You must provide a token with this command.\n" reply += "!save " room.send_notice(reply) return pnutpy.api.add_authorization_token(args[1]) try: response, meta = pnutpy.api.get_user('me') user = Users( matrix_id=event['sender'],, pnut_user_token=args[1] ) db_session.add(user) db_session.commit() reply = "Success! You are now authorized as " + response['username'] except pnutpy.errors.PnutAuthAPIException as e: reply = "Error! Unable to authorize your account." except Exception as e: logging.exception('!save') reply = "Error! Problem saving your token." room.send_notice(reply) def drop_cb(room, event): try: user = Users.query.filter(Users.matrix_id == event['sender']).one_or_none() if user is not None: db_session.delete(user) db_session.commit() reply = "Success! Your auth token has been removed." else: reply = "You do not appear to be registered." except Exception as e: logging.exception('!drop') reply = "Error! Problem removing your token." room.send_notice(reply) def status_cb(room, event): try: user = Users.query.filter(Users.matrix_id == event['sender']).one_or_none() if user is None: reply = "You are currently not authorized on" else: pnutpy.api.add_authorization_token(user.pnut_user_token) response, meta = pnutpy.api.get_user('me') reply = "You are currently authorized as " + response.username except pnutpy.errors.PnutAuthAPIException as e: reply = "You are currently not authorized on" except Exception as e: logging.exception('!status') reply = "Error! There was a problem checking your account." room.send_notice(reply) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) with open("config.yaml", "rb") as config_file: config = yaml.load(config_file) bot = MatrixBotAPI(config['TBOT_USER'], config['TBOT_PASS'], config['MATRIX_HOST']) bot.add_handler(MCommandHandler("help", help_cb)) bot.add_handler(MCommandHandler("auth", auth_cb)) bot.add_handler(MCommandHandler("save", save_cb)) bot.add_handler(MCommandHandler("drop", drop_cb)) bot.add_handler(MCommandHandler("status", status_cb)) bot.start_polling() while True: time.sleep(1)