--- title: Beta 3 for Todo.txt Enyo author: thrrgilag type: post date: 2012-11-12T16:17:18+00:00 url: /2012/11/12/beta-3-for-todo-txt-enyo/ tagazine-media: - 'a:7:{s:7:"primary";s:0:"";s:6:"images";a:0:{}s:6:"videos";a:0:{}s:11:"image_count";i:0;s:6:"author";s:8:"13821823";s:7:"blog_id";s:8:"33444853";s:9:"mod_stamp";s:19:"2012-11-12 16:17:18";}' topics: - Todo.txt Enyo tags: - playbook - webos - todo.txt --- The third release of Todo.txt Enyo is now available for both WebOS and BlackBerry PlayBook.  This release includes minor UI tweak, a bug fix, and a new feature. **What’s New** * Filter by project or context * New app icons * Bug fix: created date inserted when updating task **Download** * WebOS package available from the [HP App Catalog][1]. * PlayBook package available from [BlackBerry App World][2]. * Both packages available to [download for side loading][3]. [1]: https://developer.palm.com/appredirect/?packageid=com.monkeystew.todotxtenyo.beta [2]: http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/97784/?lang=en [3]: https://github.com/thrrgilag/Todo.txt-Enyo/downloads