import logging import base64 import hmac import hashlib import requests import yaml import os import redis from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PublicKey from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, abort app = Flask(__name__) # setup the environment SNAP_USER_DATA = os.environ.get('SNAP_USER_DATA') CONFIG_FILE = os.environ.get('CONFIG_FILE') LOG_FILE = os.environ.get('LOG_FILE') REDIS_HOST = os.environ.get('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost') REDIS_PORT = os.environ.get('REDIS_PORT', 6379) if SNAP_USER_DATA is None: if CONFIG_FILE is None: filename = 'config.yaml' else: filename = CONFIG_FILE if LOG_FILE is None: log_file = 'webhook.log' else: log_file = LOG_FILE else: filename = SNAP_USER_DATA + '/config.yaml' log_file = SNAP_USER_DATA + '/webhook.log' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename=log_file) with open(filename, "rb") as config_file: config = yaml.load(config_file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) rs = redis.Redis(host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT) srht_public_key = Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes( base64.b64decode(config['srht_payload_sig'])) # GitHub webhooks # # Gittea webhooks # @app.route('/gitea/', methods=['POST']) def gitea_event(gateway=None): secret = bytes(config["gitea_secret"], "utf-8") signature = request.headers["X-Gitea-Signature"] event = request.headers["X-Gitea-Event-Type"] sigcheck =,, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() if gateway is None:"MISSING GATEWAY") abort(400) if sigcheck != signature:"INVALID GITEA SIGNATURE") abort(401) if event == "push": logging.debug(f"Gitea - {event} >> {gateway} ") gt_push_event(gateway, request.json) elif event == "issues": logging.debug(f"Gitea - {event} >> {gateway} ") gt_issue_event(gateway, request.json) elif event == "issue_comment": logging.debug(f"Gitea - {event} >> {gateway} ") gt_comment_event(gateway, request.json) else:"UNKNOWN GITEA EVENT") logging.debug(f"Gitea - {event} >> {gateway} ") logging.debug(request.json) return "", 200 def gt_push_event(gateway, data): logging.debug(f">> {gateway}") # logging.debug(data) project = data["repository"]["full_name"] username = data["pusher"]["username"] branch = data['ref'][len('refs/heads/'):] count = len(data["commits"]) s = "s" if count > 1 else "" body = f"[{project}] {username} pushed {count} commit{s} to {branch}:\n" for commit in data["commits"]: cid = commit["id"][:8] title = commit["message"] url = commit["url"] body += f"- [{cid}]({url}) {title}\n" logging.debug(body) mb_url = config["codeberg_gateway"] payload = { 'gateway': gateway, 'username': "codeberg", 'text': body.rstrip() } r =, json=payload) def gt_issue_event(gateway, data): logging.debug(f">> {gateway}") # logging.debug(data) project = data["repository"]["full_name"] issue = data["issue"] username = issue["user"]["username"] number = issue["number"] title = issue["title"] description = issue["body"] action = data["action"] body = f"[{project}] {username} {action} issue #{number}: {title}\n" if action in ["opened", "reopened"]: body += f"{description}" logging.debug(body) mb_url = config["codeberg_gateway"] payload = { 'gateway': gateway, 'username': "codeberg", 'text': body.rstrip() } r =, json=payload) def gt_comment_event(gateway, data): logging.debug(f">> {gateway}") # logging.debug(data) project = data["repository"]["full_name"] issue = data["issue"] comment = data["comment"] username = comment["user"]["username"] number = issue["number"] title = issue["title"] action = data["action"] note = data["comment"]["body"] body = f"[{project}] {username} commented on issue #{number}: {title}\n" body += f"> {note}" logging.debug(body) mb_url = config["codeberg_gateway"] payload = { 'gateway': gateway, 'username': "codeberg", 'text': body.rstrip() } r =, json=payload) # GitLab webhooks # @app.route('/gitlab/', methods=['POST']) def gitlab_event(gateway=None): token = request.headers['X-Gitlab-Token'] event = request.headers['X-Gitlab-Event'] if gateway is None:"MISSING GATEWAY") abort(400) if token != config['gitlab_token']:"INVALID GITLAB TOKEN") abort(401) if event == "Push Hook": logging.debug(f"GitLab - {event} >> {gateway} ") gl_push_event(gateway, request.json) elif event == "Issue Hook": logging.debug(f"GitLab - {event} >> {gateway} ") gl_issue_event(gateway, request.json) elif event == "Note Hook": logging.debug(f"GitLab - {event} >> {gateway} ") gl_comment_event(gateway, request.json) elif event == "Merge Request Hook": logging.debug(f"GitLab - {event} >> {gateway} ") gl_mr_event(gateway, request.json) elif event == "Release Hook": logging.debug(f"GitLab - {event} >> {gateway} ") gl_release_event(gateway, request.json) else:"UNKNOWN GITLAB EVENT") logging.debug(f"GitLab - {event} >> {gateway} ") logging.debug(request.json) return "", 200 def gl_push_event(gateway, data): logging.debug(f">> {gateway}") # logging.debug(data) project = data["project"]["path_with_namespace"] username = data["user_username"] branch = data['ref'][len('refs/heads/'):] count = data["total_commits_count"] homepage = data["repository"]["homepage"] s = "s" if count > 1 else "" body = f"[{project}] {username} pushed {count} commit{s} to {branch}:\n" for commit in data["commits"]: cid = commit["id"][:8] title = commit["title"] url = commit["url"] body += f"- [{cid}]({url}) {title}\n" logging.debug(body) mb_url = config["gitlab_gateway"] payload = { 'gateway': gateway, 'username': "gitlab", 'text': body.rstrip() } r =, json=payload) def gl_issue_event(gateway, data): logging.debug(f">> {gateway}") # logging.debug(data) project = data["project"]["path_with_namespace"] username = data["user"]["username"] oid = data["object_attributes"]["iid"] title = data["object_attributes"]["title"] description = data['object_attributes']['description'] if "action" in data["object_attributes"]: action = data["object_attributes"]["action"] else: action = "?" body = f"[{project}] {username} {action} issue #{oid}: {title}\n" if action in ["open", "reopen"]: body += f"{description}" elif action == "update": return logging.debug(body) mb_url = config["gitlab_gateway"] payload = { 'gateway': gateway, 'username': "gitlab", 'text': body } r =, json=payload) def gl_mr_event(gateway, data): logging.debug(f">> {gateway}") # logging.debug(data) project = data["project"]["path_with_namespace"] username = data["user"]["username"] oid = data["object_attributes"]["iid"] title = data["object_attributes"]["title"] description = data['object_attributes']['description'] if "action" in data["object_attributes"]: action = data["object_attributes"]["action"] else: action = "?" body = f"[{project}] {username} {action} merge request !{oid}: {title}\n" if action in ["open", "reopen"]: body += f"{description}" elif action == "update": return logging.debug(body) mb_url = config["gitlab_gateway"] payload = { 'gateway': gateway, 'username': "gitlab", 'text': body } r =, json=payload) def gl_release_event(gateway, data): logging.debug(f">> {gateway}") # logging.debug(data) project = data["project"]["path_with_namespace"] name = data["name"] url = data["url"] if data["action"] != "create": return body = f"[{project}] release {name}\n" body += f"{url}" logging.debug(body) mb_url = config["gitlab_gateway"] payload = { 'gateway': gateway, 'username': "gitlab", 'text': body } r =, json=payload) def gl_comment_event(gateway, data): logging.debug(f">> {gateway}") logging.debug(data) project = data["project"]["path_with_namespace"] username = data["user"]["username"] oid = data["object_attributes"]["id"] note = data["object_attributes"]["note"] ntype = data["object_attributes"]["noteable_type"] if ntype == "Issue": iid = data["issue"]["iid"] title = data["issue"]["title"] item = f"issue #{iid}: {title}" elif ntype == "MergeRequest": mid = data["merge_request"]["id"] title = data["merge_request"]["title"] item = f"merge request !{mid}: {title}" elif ntype == "Commit": cid = data["commit"]["id"][:8] item = f"commit {cid}" elif ntype == "Snippet": sid = data["snippet"]["sid"] title = data["snippet"]["title"] item = f"snippet {sid}: {title}" else: item = "?" body = f"[{project}] {username} commented on {item}\n" body += f"> {note}" logging.debug(body) mb_url = config["gitlab_gateway"] payload = { 'gateway': gateway, 'username': "gitlab", 'text': body } r =, json=payload) @app.route('/srht///', methods=['POST']) def srht_event(user, repo, gateway): logging.debug(request.url) logging.debug(request.headers) payload = signature = request.headers["X-Payload-Signature"] signature = base64.b64decode(signature) nonce = request.headers["X-Payload-Nonce"].encode() try: srht_public_key.verify(signature, payload + nonce) event = request.headers["X-Webhook-Event"] if event == "repo:post-update": logging.debug(f"SRHT - {event} >> {gateway}") # __post_update(user, repo, gateway, request.json) elif event == "ticket:create": logging.debug(f"SRHT - {event} >> {gateway}") # __ticket_create(user, repo, gateway, request.json) elif event == "event:create": logging.debug(f"SRHT - {event} >> {gateway}") # __event_create(user, repo, gateway, request.json) except Exception: logging.exception('SRHT') return '', 200 @app.route('/tars/', methods=['POST']) def feedbot_cmd(): token = request.headers['Authorization'] user_id = request.form['user_id'] reply = {"username": "tars"} cmd_text = request.form['text'] cmd_help = ''' The following commands are available: xpost-on: turn on cross posts from mastodon to pnut xpost-off: turn off cross posts from mastodon to pnut ''' if token != "Token " + config['mm_tars_token']: logging.debug("INVALID TOKEN") abort(401) if user_id != config['mm_user_id']: logging.debug("UNAUTHORIZED USER") abort(403) if cmd_text == "xpost-on": logging.debug("enable crossposts") rs.rpush('TARS', "feedbot_enable") reply['text'] = "crossposts will be enabled" elif cmd_text == "xpost-off": logging.debug("disable crossposts") rs.rpush('TARS', "feedbot_disable") reply['text'] = "crossposts will be disabled" else: logging.debug("SHOW HELP?") reply['text'] = cmd_help return reply, 200