Compare commits


No commits in common. "main" and "kiln" have entirely different histories.
main ... kiln

80 changed files with 541 additions and 371 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
[submodule "themes/risotto"]
path = themes/risotto
url =

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
image: woodpeckerci/plugin-git
recursive: true
image: plugins/hugo
validate: true
image: alpine:latest
secrets: [ ssh_key ]
- apk add --update ansible rsync openssh
- printf "$SSH_KEY" > privateKey
- chmod 600 privateKey
- ansible-playbook --user igor --inventory hosts.ini --private-key privateKey main.yaml
image: deblan/woodpecker-email
from_secret: smtp_user
from_secret: smtp_pass

Jenkinsfile vendored
View file

@ -1,30 +1,42 @@
pipeline { pipeline {
agent { label 'ansible' } agent none
environment {
CHAT = ""
MAIL = ""
stages { stages {
stage('Build website') { stage('Build site') {
steps { agent {
sh 'git submodule update --init' docker {
sh 'hugo' image ''
label 'docker-build'
} }
} }
stage('Execute playbook') {
steps { steps {
ansiblePlaybook(playbook: "main.yaml", inventory: "hosts.ini", credentialsId: "igor") mattermostSend "Site build started - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)"
sh 'kiln build'
} }
post { post {
success { success {
jabberNotify buildToChatNotifier: [$class: 'ExtraMessageOnlyBuildToChatNotifier'], extraMessage: 'Deploy Succeeded', notifySuspects: true, targets: "${CHAT}" mattermostSend color: "good", message: "Site build success - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)"
} }
failure { failure {
jabberNotify buildToChatNotifier: [$class: 'ExtraMessageOnlyBuildToChatNotifier'], extraMessage: 'Deploy Failed', notifySuspects: true, targets: "${CHAT}" mattermostSend color: "danger", message: "Site build failure - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)"
mail to: "${MAIL}", }
subject: "Deploy Failed: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", }
body: "Something is wrong with ${env.BUILD_URL}" }
stage('Deploy site') {
agent { label 'docker-build' }
steps {
mattermostSend "Site deploy started - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)"
playbook: 'main.yaml',
inventory: 'hosts.ini',
credentialsId: 'onedrop-vetinari'
post {
success {
mattermostSend color: "good", message: "Site deploy success - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)"
failure {
mattermostSend color: "danger", message: "Site deploy failure - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)"
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: true

View file

@ -1,62 +1,34 @@
baseURL = '' title = ""
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = ''
theme = 'risotto'
author = 'Morgan McMillian'
copyright = ''
paginate = 3
DefaultContentLanguage = 'en-us'
enableInlineShortcodes = true
sectionPagesMenu = 'main' [permalinks]
"/" = "/{{ .Date.Format `2006/01/02` }}/{{ path.Base .Path }}/"
[params] [[tasks]]
noindex = false name = "gemini"
input = [".gmi"]
output = ".gmi"
template = ".gmi"
static_dir = "static"
output_dir = "public/gemini"
[params.theme] [[tasks.feeds]]
palette = 'base16-dark' input_dir = "."
title = ""
template = "atom.xml"
output = "atom.xml"
[params.about] [[tasks]]
title = 'Morgan McMillian' name = "https"
description = 'Spaced out Linux nerd' input = [".gmi",".md"]
logo = '' output = ".html"
template = ".html"
preprocess.gmi = "gmnitohtml" = "mdtohtml"
static_dir = "static"
output_dir = "public/https"
[[params.socialLinks]] [[tasks.feeds]]
icon = 'fa-brands fa-git' input_dir = "."
title = 'git' title = ""
url = '' template = "atom.xml"
output = "atom.xml"
icon = 'fa-solid fa-code-commit'
title = 'mercurial'
url = ''
icon = 'fa-solid fa-mountain'
title = 'codeberg'
url = ''
icon = 'fa-solid fa-rss'
title = 'rss'
url = '/post/index.xml'
identifier = 'contact'
name = 'Contact'
url = '/contact/'
weight = 10
identifier = 'social'
name = 'Social'
url = '/social/'
weight = 20
identifier = 'code'
name = 'Code'
url = '/code/'
weight = 30

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title: Hello world!
date: 2012-03-03T12:08:22+00:00
Welcome to the latest version of my site. It&#8217;s time that I start putting things into place for releasing some of my personal programming projects into the wild.  I don&#8217;t consider myself a professional programmer, it&#8217;s just a hobby I am always looking to improve on.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Beta for Todo.txt Enyo title: Beta for Todo.txt Enyo
date: 2012-03-08T12:07:28+00:00 date: 2012-03-08T12:07:28+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
The first version of Todo.txt Enyo has been published on the HP App Catalog beta channel.  It&#8217;s available now to those who are willing to try it out.  I&#8217;m sure there are plenty of bugs to be discovered so feedback will be very much appreciated. The first version of Todo.txt Enyo has been published on the HP App Catalog beta channel.  It&#8217;s available now to those who are willing to try it out.  I&#8217;m sure there are plenty of bugs to be discovered so feedback will be very much appreciated.
@ -20,5 +19,5 @@ Todo.txt Enyo is a mobile application for managing your [todo.txt][1] file on w
You can install it from the HP App Catalog by visiting this link[^1] from your device.  Alternately, you can visit using your computer and have the link sent do your device from HP. You can install it from the HP App Catalog by visiting this link[^1] from your device.  Alternately, you can visit using your computer and have the link sent do your device from HP.
[1]: [1]:
[2]: [2]:
[^1]: The HP App Catalog for webOS no longer exists. [^1]: The HP App Catalog for webOS no longer exists.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Beta 2 for Todo.txt Enyo title: Beta 2 for Todo.txt Enyo
date: 2012-03-18T12:25:23+00:00 date: 2012-03-18T12:25:23+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
The second beta of Todo.txt Enyo has been uploaded to the HP App Catalog beta channel and is available now.  There have been some various bug fixes, minor UI modifications, and initial support for the BlackBerry Playbook.  Check out the Apps page for how to get it. The second beta of Todo.txt Enyo has been uploaded to the HP App Catalog beta channel and is available now.  There have been some various bug fixes, minor UI modifications, and initial support for the BlackBerry Playbook.  Check out the Apps page for how to get it.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Task Slayer for BlackBerry 10 title: Task Slayer for BlackBerry 10
date: 2012-10-13T12:06:26+00:00 date: 2012-10-13T12:06:26+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
My first BlackBerry 10 app Task Slayer is now available in the BlackBerry AppWorld.  Like my previous apps Task Slayer is a task manager based on the [todo.txt][2] file format.  This initial release covers the basics for managing tasks on the local device and has focused on making for a usable user interface.  It&#8217;s been tested and functional in the BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha Simulator.  I&#8217;m looking for those who have Dev Alpha devices to help test and provide feedback.  I plan to have Dropbox syncing in my next release and have the basic framework in place to easily add more cloud services.  Click or scan the barcode link to download and give it a try.[^1] My first BlackBerry 10 app Task Slayer is now available in the BlackBerry AppWorld.  Like my previous apps Task Slayer is a task manager based on the [todo.txt][2] file format.  This initial release covers the basics for managing tasks on the local device and has focused on making for a usable user interface.  It&#8217;s been tested and functional in the BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha Simulator.  I&#8217;m looking for those who have Dev Alpha devices to help test and provide feedback.  I plan to have Dropbox syncing in my next release and have the basic framework in place to easily add more cloud services.  Click or scan the barcode link to download and give it a try.[^1]

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Beta 3 for Todo.txt Enyo title: Beta 3 for Todo.txt Enyo
date: 2012-11-12T16:17:18+00:00 date: 2012-11-12T16:17:18+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
The third release of Todo.txt Enyo is now available for both WebOS and BlackBerry PlayBook.  This release includes minor UI tweak, a bug fix, and a new feature. The third release of Todo.txt Enyo is now available for both WebOS and BlackBerry PlayBook.  This release includes minor UI tweak, a bug fix, and a new feature.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Task Slayer for BB10 update title: Task Slayer for BB10 update
date: 2012-12-13T12:50:20+00:00 date: 2012-12-13T12:50:20+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
This is a relatively minor update to Task Slayer.  The only notable feature was really just adding a quick search box and a little bit of UI tweaking.  Those with DevAlpha devices can download it from BlackBerry World.  Along with refreshed screenshots I&#8217;ll attempt to post a video with my next release to give a taste to those who might be eagerly awaiting the launch of BlackBerry 10 at the end of January or curious to see how this app works compared to it&#8217;s counter parts. This is a relatively minor update to Task Slayer.  The only notable feature was really just adding a quick search box and a little bit of UI tweaking.  Those with DevAlpha devices can download it from BlackBerry World.  Along with refreshed screenshots I&#8217;ll attempt to post a video with my next release to give a taste to those who might be eagerly awaiting the launch of BlackBerry 10 at the end of January or curious to see how this app works compared to it&#8217;s counter parts.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Todo.txt Enyo 0.4.0 title: Todo.txt Enyo 0.4.0
date: 2012-12-13T12:23:47+00:00 date: 2012-12-13T12:23:47+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
The fourth release of Todo.txt Enyo is now available for both WebOS and BlackBerry PlayBook.  Even though there was only one new feature added I think it&#8217;s a good one.  This release took a little while to get approved in BlackBerry App World.  I suspect the folks in Waterloo are getting a lot more app submissions these days. The fourth release of Todo.txt Enyo is now available for both WebOS and BlackBerry PlayBook.  Even though there was only one new feature added I think it&#8217;s a good one.  This release took a little while to get approved in BlackBerry App World.  I suspect the folks in Waterloo are getting a lot more app submissions these days.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Task Slayer 0.4.1 available title: Task Slayer 0.4.1 available
date: 2013-02-16T12:38:53+00:00 date: 2013-02-16T12:38:53+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
My latest update to Task Slayer is now available for sale in BlackBerry World for the BlackBerry Z10.  There are a number of bug fixes included in this release to make it fast and stable now that BB10 has been officially released.  Even though it&#8217;s not labeled as v1.0 it&#8217;s ready for every day use.  My next release will focus on tighter BB10 integration, Q10 support, and perhaps a few extra features along the way. My latest update to Task Slayer is now available for sale in BlackBerry World for the BlackBerry Z10.  There are a number of bug fixes included in this release to make it fast and stable now that BB10 has been officially released.  Even though it&#8217;s not labeled as v1.0 it&#8217;s ready for every day use.  My next release will focus on tighter BB10 integration, Q10 support, and perhaps a few extra features along the way.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Todo.txt Enyo 0.4.1 update for webOS title: Todo.txt Enyo 0.4.1 update for webOS
date: 2013-04-13T11:48:29+00:00 date: 2013-04-13T11:48:29+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
Long live webOS!  I&#8217;ve decided to release a minor update to address some webOS specific requests.  First up has to do with scaling properly on a Pre 3 device.  Since I don&#8217;t have an actual Pre 3 device I have to rely on the simulator which doesn&#8217;t truly show how small or large the text actually looks.  Hopefully this will help those die hard users from having to strain their eyes.  The other change allows those who maintain their todo.txt on the local device to change where it&#8217;s stored internally.  This should be particularly useful for those who dual boot their TouchPad with Android and like to keep edit the file in either OS. Long live webOS!  I&#8217;ve decided to release a minor update to address some webOS specific requests.  First up has to do with scaling properly on a Pre 3 device.  Since I don&#8217;t have an actual Pre 3 device I have to rely on the simulator which doesn&#8217;t truly show how small or large the text actually looks.  Hopefully this will help those die hard users from having to strain their eyes.  The other change allows those who maintain their todo.txt on the local device to change where it&#8217;s stored internally.  This should be particularly useful for those who dual boot their TouchPad with Android and like to keep edit the file in either OS.
@ -16,4 +15,4 @@ Long live webOS!  I&#8217;ve decided to release a minor update to address some
* Source available [here][1]. * Source available [here][1].
[1]: [1]:

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Because naming an app is hard Renamed Todo 0.5 title: Because naming an app is hard Renamed Todo 0.5
date: 2013-05-01T11:35:16+00:00 date: 2013-05-01T11:35:16+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
So I&#8217;ve gone and renamed my todo app formerly known as Task Slayer.  I honestly wasn&#8217;t that fond of the previous name to begin with so when asked to change it to avoid confusion with another app by the same name I gladly did so.  I didn&#8217;t realize how much of a pain it is though so I don&#8217;t plan on doing this again.  That being said this release is much more than just a fancy new name.  This release includes sharing support, an active frame, and support for those fancy new Q10 devices people are clamoring for. So I&#8217;ve gone and renamed my todo app formerly known as Task Slayer.  I honestly wasn&#8217;t that fond of the previous name to begin with so when asked to change it to avoid confusion with another app by the same name I gladly did so.  I didn&#8217;t realize how much of a pain it is though so I don&#8217;t plan on doing this again.  That being said this release is much more than just a fancy new name.  This release includes sharing support, an active frame, and support for those fancy new Q10 devices people are clamoring for.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: The end of summer Renamed Todo 0.6 title: The end of summer Renamed Todo 0.6
date: 2013-09-11T11:20:36+00:00 date: 2013-09-11T11:20:36+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
Now that summer is over it&#8217;s time to release another update.  With this update I&#8217;m continuing to make tweaks to the interface while adding some useful new features.  Most notably due date support with use of the custom due: tag.  Along with that comes some ability to manage the local sandbox files such as export and delete.  I have many more updated planned down the road.  As always your feedback is appreciated. Now that summer is over it&#8217;s time to release another update.  With this update I&#8217;m continuing to make tweaks to the interface while adding some useful new features.  Most notably due date support with use of the custom due: tag.  Along with that comes some ability to manage the local sandbox files such as export and delete.  I have many more updated planned down the road.  As always your feedback is appreciated.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Pending updates title: Pending updates
date: 2014-08-26T14:25:28+00:00 date: 2014-08-26T14:25:28+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I&#8217;ve been working on an update to Renamed Todo and made some good progress over this last weekend. Mostly minor stuff, a few cosmetic changes, a few UI tweaks, and a small bug fix which I&#8217;m attempting to squash now. I&#8217;m also doing some work under the hood to prepare for a much bigger update to follow. I&#8217;ve been working on an update to Renamed Todo and made some good progress over this last weekend. Mostly minor stuff, a few cosmetic changes, a few UI tweaks, and a small bug fix which I&#8217;m attempting to squash now. I&#8217;m also doing some work under the hood to prepare for a much bigger update to follow.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Its not dead Renamed Todo 0.7 title: Its not dead Renamed Todo 0.7
date: 2014-09-02T13:35:19+00:00 date: 2014-09-02T13:35:19+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
<div> <div>
<div> <div>

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Monkeystew, BlackBerry, LuneOS, and more title: Monkeystew, BlackBerry, LuneOS, and more
date: 2014-11-11T23:37:45+00:00 date: 2014-11-11T23:37:45+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
It&#8217;s been a crazy busy 2014 and there are no signs that it will let up anytime soon. I have a tendency to line up several projects which I don&#8217;t necessarily have time for but work on anyway. So here is a quick recap of what I have brewing in the background. It&#8217;s been a crazy busy 2014 and there are no signs that it will let up anytime soon. I have a tendency to line up several projects which I don&#8217;t necessarily have time for but work on anyway. So here is a quick recap of what I have brewing in the background.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Just a reminder… title: Just a reminder…
date: 2014-12-02T16:38:36+00:00 date: 2014-12-02T16:38:36+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
Companies like Facebook, Twitter, or Google should not own or control your relationships. If you are unhappy with a company or their service then stop using it. There are many ways to interact online and offline without a large company owning you. Companies like Facebook, Twitter, or Google should not own or control your relationships. If you are unhappy with a company or their service then stop using it. There are many ways to interact online and offline without a large company owning you.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Renamed Todo 0.7.1 title: Renamed Todo 0.7.1
date: 2014-12-17T14:03:45+00:00 date: 2014-12-17T14:03:45+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I was hoping this release would include new features but time was not on my side this go around. I decided to go ahead with a minor bug fix release instead. Solving an erroneous authentication error when authorizing the app with Dropbox. Enjoy and stay tuned for more enhancements down the road. I was hoping this release would include new features but time was not on my side this go around. I decided to go ahead with a minor bug fix release instead. Solving an erroneous authentication error when authorizing the app with Dropbox. Enjoy and stay tuned for more enhancements down the road.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: My social network title: My social network
date: 2014-12-24T19:43:12+00:00 date: 2014-12-24T19:43:12+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
In June of 2012 I made the decision to pull the plug on Facebook and I deactivated my account and never looked back. I quit Facebook because I realized back then that the service doesn&#8217;t care about me as a person but rather me as data. Constantly changing terms of service, confusing privacy controls, it was a regular routine of discovering what they changed and how to change it back. It became too much for me to handle so I deleted all of my posts (in theory) and deactivated my account. In truth it wasn&#8217;t that hard for me to do. Facebook wasn&#8217;t my only link to those I cared about. I still had phone numbers, email, messaging, and of course real human interaction. I still get the &#8220;Oh that&#8217;s right, your not on Facebook&#8221; comment occasionally in conversation but the funny thing is, nobody actively tried to get me to rejoin. In June of 2012 I made the decision to pull the plug on Facebook and I deactivated my account and never looked back. I quit Facebook because I realized back then that the service doesn&#8217;t care about me as a person but rather me as data. Constantly changing terms of service, confusing privacy controls, it was a regular routine of discovering what they changed and how to change it back. It became too much for me to handle so I deleted all of my posts (in theory) and deactivated my account. In truth it wasn&#8217;t that hard for me to do. Facebook wasn&#8217;t my only link to those I cared about. I still had phone numbers, email, messaging, and of course real human interaction. I still get the &#8220;Oh that&#8217;s right, your not on Facebook&#8221; comment occasionally in conversation but the funny thing is, nobody actively tried to get me to rejoin.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Renamed Todo 0.7.2 title: Renamed Todo 0.7.2
date: 2015-03-18T13:25:35+00:00 date: 2015-03-18T13:25:35+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
Another minor update is available for all BlackBerry 10 devices in BlackBerry World which fixes UTF-8 support. This application will be in maintenance mode for now only handling bug fixes as they surface. As such I&#8217;ve decided to make Renamed Todo available for free. I&#8217;m working on a rewrite bringing it to more platforms and will be putting the new code out as open source. More to come on that soon. Another minor update is available for all BlackBerry 10 devices in BlackBerry World which fixes UTF-8 support. This application will be in maintenance mode for now only handling bug fixes as they surface. As such I&#8217;ve decided to make Renamed Todo available for free. I&#8217;m working on a rewrite bringing it to more platforms and will be putting the new code out as open source. More to come on that soon.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Experimental blog post title: Experimental blog post
date: 2016-01-14T21:38:23+00:00 date: 2016-01-14T21:38:23+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
My Friendica experimentation continues, this time with a cheesy no-substance blog post. Please excuse the noise for now but I&#8217;m thinking there will be a real blog post coming about my experiences with this software, and open social networks in general. :) My Friendica experimentation continues, this time with a cheesy no-substance blog post. Please excuse the noise for now but I&#8217;m thinking there will be a real blog post coming about my experiences with this software, and open social networks in general. :)

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Enter title: Enter
date: 2016-01-25T02:25:41+00:00 date: 2016-01-25T02:25:41+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
A few weeks back I decided to give hosting my own social service a try. There are a various different projects that are being developed many of which have a pretty solid community around them. I have been using <a href="" target="_blank">Diaspora</a> pretty actively now for the last couple of years so that was my initial choice. But I have also poked around other networks like status net and pump, both of which are pretty active too. Ultimately I decided to use <a href="" target="_blank">Friendica</a> as my service. A few weeks back I decided to give hosting my own social service a try. There are a various different projects that are being developed many of which have a pretty solid community around them. I have been using <a href="" target="_blank">Diaspora</a> pretty actively now for the last couple of years so that was my initial choice. But I have also poked around other networks like status net and pump, both of which are pretty active too. Ultimately I decided to use <a href="" target="_blank">Friendica</a> as my service.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: New GNU social instance title: New GNU social instance
date: 2016-03-12T17:07:32+00:00 date: 2016-03-12T17:07:32+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I&#8217;ve been running my owner Friendica instance for a couple of months now. And so far I&#8217;ve been pretty happy with how it&#8217;s turned out thus far. There are however some quirks with how it works between the various networks. With that I decided to go ahead and run a dedicated instance for GNU social ( and start following my various ostatus contacts from there. I&#8217;ll continue to run Friendica and leave ostatus enabled but my interactions are going to be a little more split. I cross post frequently so feel free to follow me in both places or just one if I repeat myself too much. :-) I&#8217;ve been running my owner Friendica instance for a couple of months now. And so far I&#8217;ve been pretty happy with how it&#8217;s turned out thus far. There are however some quirks with how it works between the various networks. With that I decided to go ahead and run a dedicated instance for GNU social ( and start following my various ostatus contacts from there. I&#8217;ll continue to run Friendica and leave ostatus enabled but my interactions are going to be a little more split. I cross post frequently so feel free to follow me in both places or just one if I repeat myself too much. :-)

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Morgans summer of code title: Morgans summer of code
date: 2016-06-29T18:38:52+00:00 date: 2016-06-29T18:38:52+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
This isn&#8217;t anything to do with that Google program. I&#8217;m just putting out a quick post about what I&#8217;m up to these days. This isn&#8217;t anything to do with that Google program. I&#8217;m just putting out a quick post about what I&#8217;m up to these days.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: BlackBerry PlayBook development title: BlackBerry PlayBook development
date: 2016-08-08T23:49:49+00:00 date: 2016-08-08T23:49:49+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I&#8217;ve pulled Todo.txt Enyo for the PlayBook from BlackBerry World today and I will no longer be developing for this particular device. My biggest reason has to do with the SDK and the odd bit of hacking it took to build this particular application (the combination of Java and Adobe AIR to build HTML5 apps is a bit bonkers). With Dropbox deprecating v1 of their API I felt it was a good time to bring this particular effort to an end. The source code will continue to be available from my site for those who wish to build their own BAR files. On the brighter side of things the Palm SDK still continues to work so I&#8217;ll be continuing support for webOS. I&#8217;ll be posting more on that in the near future. I&#8217;ve pulled Todo.txt Enyo for the PlayBook from BlackBerry World today and I will no longer be developing for this particular device. My biggest reason has to do with the SDK and the odd bit of hacking it took to build this particular application (the combination of Java and Adobe AIR to build HTML5 apps is a bit bonkers). With Dropbox deprecating v1 of their API I felt it was a good time to bring this particular effort to an end. The source code will continue to be available from my site for those who wish to build their own BAR files. On the brighter side of things the Palm SDK still continues to work so I&#8217;ll be continuing support for webOS. I&#8217;ll be posting more on that in the near future.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Renamed Todo 0.7.4 title: Renamed Todo 0.7.4
date: 2016-08-12T06:04:05+00:00 date: 2016-08-12T06:04:05+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
An update is now available for all BlackBerry 10 devices in BlackBerry World which adds support for Dropbox API v2. There are no visible changes to this release, just behind the scenes work in preparation for the Dropbox deprecating their API v1. This will allow Renamed Todo to continue to function for the foreseeable future. An update is now available for all BlackBerry 10 devices in BlackBerry World which adds support for Dropbox API v2. There are no visible changes to this release, just behind the scenes work in preparation for the Dropbox deprecating their API v1. This will allow Renamed Todo to continue to function for the foreseeable future.

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
--- ---
title: Renamed Todo 0.7.4, BB 10.3.3, and Dropbox title: Renamed Todo 0.7.4, BB 10.3.3, and Dropbox
date: 2016-12-21T23:48:25+00:00 date: 2016-12-21T23:48:25+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
A change was introduced with the release of BlackBerry 10.3.3 that breaks authentication between Renamed Todo and Dropbox.  I&#8217;ll be reworking (again) the authorization process to work properly with this latest update.  I&#8217;ll post again when the update is available here on this blog as well as my social feeds.  Links to follow me are in the sidebar. A change was introduced with the release of BlackBerry 10.3.3 that breaks authentication between Renamed Todo and Dropbox.  I&#8217;ll be reworking (again) the authorization process to work properly with this latest update.  I&#8217;ll post again when the update is available here on this blog as well as my social feeds.  Links to follow me are in the sidebar.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Saying goodbye to old networks title: Saying goodbye to old networks
date: 2017-03-12T16:43:17+00:00 date: 2017-03-12T16:43:17+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
This week I&#8217;m saying goodbye to an old network as is shutting down. This week I&#8217;m saying goodbye to an old network as is shutting down.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Support Matrix! title: Support Matrix!
date: 2017-07-07T21:27:12+00:00 date: 2017-07-07T21:27:12+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
This has been one of my favorite projects this year. If you haven&#8217;t checked it out yet head over to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> and take a peek. It&#8217;s grown a lot over the last year but now faces funding challenges. If you are able to help support the core team. Patreon, Liberapay, and bitcoin details are in the linked blog post. This has been one of my favorite projects this year. If you haven&#8217;t checked it out yet head over to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> and take a peek. It&#8217;s grown a lot over the last year but now faces funding challenges. If you are able to help support the core team. Patreon, Liberapay, and bitcoin details are in the linked blog post.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: is shutting down title: is shutting down
date: 2017-08-29T15:36:42+00:00 date: 2017-08-29T15:36:42+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I&#8217;ve decided to retire my Friendica instance at Mostly to free up some resources from my server and have one less thing to worry about and manage. I&#8217;m not going away from the social web, just coming at it a little differently now. I&#8217;ve decided to retire my Friendica instance at Mostly to free up some resources from my server and have one less thing to worry about and manage. I&#8217;m not going away from the social web, just coming at it a little differently now.

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
--- ---
title: Blog post title: Blog post
date: 2017-09-24T14:04:21+00:00 date: 2017-09-24T14:04:21+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
Since I switched off my Friendica instance last month I&#8217;m sorting out my blog posting workflow (even though I don&#8217;t do it often). So this is pretty much a nonsense post so I can see how it goes out to my various feeds. Since I switched off my Friendica instance last month I&#8217;m sorting out my blog posting workflow (even though I don&#8217;t do it often). So this is pretty much a nonsense post so I can see how it goes out to my various feeds.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Still not dead Renamed Todo update title: Still not dead Renamed Todo update
date: 2018-01-21T15:19:40+00:00 date: 2018-01-21T15:19:40+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
It&#8217;s been a long while since my last update.  I haven&#8217;t been paying much attention to this app over the last couple of years for various different reasons.  Mostly do to having switched my primary phone from the lovely BlackBerry Passport to an Android based BlackBerry phone.  But I still love BlackBerry 10 and I still love this app so I&#8217;ve finally pulled the trigger and made it open source.  It&#8217;s now available under the Apache 2.0 license and I&#8217;ll be continuing it&#8217;s support and development. It&#8217;s been a long while since my last update.  I haven&#8217;t been paying much attention to this app over the last couple of years for various different reasons.  Mostly do to having switched my primary phone from the lovely BlackBerry Passport to an Android based BlackBerry phone.  But I still love BlackBerry 10 and I still love this app so I&#8217;ve finally pulled the trigger and made it open source.  It&#8217;s now available under the Apache 2.0 license and I&#8217;ll be continuing it&#8217;s support and development.
@ -13,5 +12,5 @@ Questions, issues, or comments?  Come join the [chat][2] where you can follow t
&nbsp; &nbsp;
[1]: [1]:
[2]: [2]:

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@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
--- ---
title: App development after BlackBerry 10 title: App development after BlackBerry 10
date: 2018-02-28T15:49:22+00:00 date: 2018-02-28T15:49:22+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I&#8217;m starting to think more about my mobile app development efforts after BB10 is no longer supportable. It still has life left in it but now that BlackBerry is starting to turn services off it may not be for much longer.  I&#8217;ve dabbled off and on with Android development and do have an [app][1] for that I&#8217;m actively working on.  But Android as a platform isn&#8217;t my favorite and developing for it isn&#8217;t as fun given it&#8217;s Java roots.  So I&#8217;m finally putting more attention towards the mobile Linux development space.  I think there is a lot more room for amazing things to develop and evolve in that arena.  Projects like [ubports][2] are gaining momentum and companies like [Jolla][3] and [Purism][4] have exciting things happening with their distributions and device support.  I&#8217;ll continue to support my BB10 apps as long as the code signing servers existing and I can distribute usable bar files but I&#8217;ll also be porting those apps over to Ubuntu Touch and maybe Sailfish OS.  Beyond that any new projects I start on will be for the mobile Linux space.  And open source too! I&#8217;m starting to think more about my mobile app development efforts after BB10 is no longer supportable. It still has life left in it but now that BlackBerry is starting to turn services off it may not be for much longer.  I&#8217;ve dabbled off and on with Android development and do have an [app][1] for that I&#8217;m actively working on.  But Android as a platform isn&#8217;t my favorite and developing for it isn&#8217;t as fun given it&#8217;s Java roots.  So I&#8217;m finally putting more attention towards the mobile Linux development space.  I think there is a lot more room for amazing things to develop and evolve in that arena.  Projects like [ubports][2] are gaining momentum and companies like [Jolla][3] and [Purism][4] have exciting things happening with their distributions and device support.  I&#8217;ll continue to support my BB10 apps as long as the code signing servers existing and I can distribute usable bar files but I&#8217;ll also be porting those apps over to Ubuntu Touch and maybe Sailfish OS.  Beyond that any new projects I start on will be for the mobile Linux space.  And open source too!
[1]: [1]:
[2]: [2]:
[3]: [3]:
[4]: [4]:

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
--- ---
title: Ending BlackBerry 10 dev title: Ending BlackBerry 10 dev
date: 2018-09-06T04:00:41+00:00 date: 2018-09-06T04:00:41+00:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I&#8217;ve finally reached the point where I&#8217;m ready to discontinue support for BB10 in my various app development efforts.  Specifically those projects are Goober for BB10 (a native client for and Renamed Todo (a task list app using todo.txt format).  I hope they&#8217;ve been useful for the handful of users I&#8217;ve had and interacted with over the years, I know I&#8217;ve enjoyed building them.  But the time has come to retire them and allow myself to focus on other platforms.  The source code will remains available under and open source license and the bar files will also remain available for those who wish to continue using them. I&#8217;ve finally reached the point where I&#8217;m ready to discontinue support for BB10 in my various app development efforts.  Specifically those projects are Goober for BB10 (a native client for and Renamed Todo (a task list app using todo.txt format).  I hope they&#8217;ve been useful for the handful of users I&#8217;ve had and interacted with over the years, I know I&#8217;ve enjoyed building them.  But the time has come to retire them and allow myself to focus on other platforms.  The source code will remains available under and open source license and the bar files will also remain available for those who wish to continue using them.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: "Hello World! (again)" title: "Hello World! (again)"
date: 2018-11-22T06:14:21-08:00 date: 2018-11-22T06:14:21-08:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I finally made the jump to using a site generator for my blog along with a new domain name. Rather than migrating the old site I've decided to leave it in place and just place my new posts here. Now that this post is out of the way, on with the show! I finally made the jump to using a site generator for my blog along with a new domain name. Rather than migrating the old site I've decided to leave it in place and just place my new posts here. Now that this post is out of the way, on with the show!

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: "Goober 0.7.0" title: "Goober 0.7.0"
date: 2018-11-23T13:56:31-08:00 date: 2018-11-23T13:56:31-08:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
The latest Goober for Android has been released to the Google Play store. The latest Goober for Android has been released to the Google Play store.
@ -15,7 +14,7 @@ perhaps others might find them useful as well.
As usual if you have questions or issues you can find me in the Goober chat on As usual if you have questions or issues you can find me in the Goober chat on
[pnut]( [pnut](
You can also find more information, checkout the source, and file issues on my You can also find more information, checkout the source, and file issues on my
[git]( project site. [GitLab]( project site.
### Roadmap ### Roadmap

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: "pnut-matrix 1.0.0" title: "pnut-matrix 1.0.0"
date: 2019-01-03T20:02:00-08:00 date: 2019-01-03T20:02:00-08:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
The pnut-matrix bridge has now reached 1.0. It now runs using app streams for improved performance, includes administrative controls for managing bridged rooms, and syncs avatars and display names to matrix. You can find the latest release at and join the chat at The pnut-matrix bridge has now reached 1.0. It now runs using app streams for improved performance, includes administrative controls for managing bridged rooms, and syncs avatars and display names to matrix. You can find the latest release at and join the chat at

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: "Goober in maintenance mode" title: "Goober in maintenance mode"
date: 2019-09-13T11:22:59-07:00 date: 2019-09-13T11:22:59-07:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I'm going to officially put Goober into a maintenance only mode. The I'm going to officially put Goober into a maintenance only mode. The

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: " migrated" title: " migrated"
date: 2019-09-29T08:18:56-07:00 date: 2019-09-29T08:18:56-07:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I've migrated posts over from my old blog at to this new site. With some amount of luck all of the URLs should still work properly and I've attempted to organize everything appropriately. Kinda wild to go back through my old posts over the years. I've migrated posts over from my old blog at to this new site. With some amount of luck all of the URLs should still work properly and I've attempted to organize everything appropriately. Kinda wild to go back through my old posts over the years.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: "New source project home" title: "New source project home"
date: 2020-04-23T21:56:14-07:00 date: 2020-04-23T21:56:14-07:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
After 2 years of running my own GitLab server I decided it was time to retire it and move my open-source projects to other sites. I did this so I can reduce my monthly expenses and honestly GitLab is way more than I actually use or need. After 2 years of running my own GitLab server I decided it was time to retire it and move my open-source projects to other sites. I did this so I can reduce my monthly expenses and honestly GitLab is way more than I actually use or need.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: "woodstock 0.2.0" title: "woodstock 0.2.0"
date: 2020-04-29T05:56:09-07:00 date: 2020-04-29T05:56:09-07:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
Announcing the second pre-release (or re-release?) of the woodstock client Announcing the second pre-release (or re-release?) of the woodstock client
library for This is my continuation of the work started by library for This is my continuation of the work started by
@ -17,15 +16,25 @@ Improvements in this release include:
&nbsp; &nbsp;
You can find the project now on!
[source code]( -
[issue tracker]( -
[releases]( -
[mailing list](
Contributions are very much welcome. Contributions are very much welcome.
Send patches to Send patches to
[]( [~thrrgilag/](
A nice tutorial on how to do that can be found at A nice tutorial on how to do that can be found at
[]( [](
Send bugs to the issue tracker. Send bugs to
Join the discussion either on the new mailing list or by joining the chat Join the discussion either on the new mailing list or by joining the chat
[#dev](/chat). [#dev](/chat).

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: "Goober Android discontinued" title: "Goober Android discontinued"
date: 2020-08-24T14:36:25-07:00 date: 2020-08-24T14:36:25-07:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
Today I'm putting Goober for Android officially into retirement status. I received a reminder email from Google this morning that updates to my app will soon require a newer target Android API level. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal however the framework I selected when I began this effort is now pretty far out of date and requires significant amount of work to bring current. I am no willing to devote time developing an application for Android, an operating system I no longer use or even recommend. Today I'm putting Goober for Android officially into retirement status. I received a reminder email from Google this morning that updates to my app will soon require a newer target Android API level. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal however the framework I selected when I began this effort is now pretty far out of date and requires significant amount of work to bring current. I am no willing to devote time developing an application for Android, an operating system I no longer use or even recommend.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: "Hello Pantalaimon UT" title: "Hello Pantalaimon UT"
date: 2020-08-24T14:58:21-07:00 date: 2020-08-24T14:58:21-07:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I've spun up a new project to focus on getting an end-to-end encryption proxy I've spun up a new project to focus on getting an end-to-end encryption proxy

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: "pantalaimon-ut 0.4.0" title: "pantalaimon-ut 0.4.0"
date: 2020-09-07T21:24:32-07:00 date: 2020-09-07T21:24:32-07:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I've uploaded another minor update to Pantalaimon for Ubuntu Touch. I've uploaded another minor update to Pantalaimon for Ubuntu Touch.
@ -17,4 +16,4 @@ managed as well as session keys to be imported or exported.
Change details and click packages are available: Change details and click packages are available:

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: "Hello gemini" title: "Hello gemini"
date: 2021-02-21T07:15:31-08:00 date: 2021-02-21T07:15:31-08:00
draft: false params:
author: Morgan McMillian origin:
tags: [""]
--- ---
I have entered the world of [Project Gemini]( Gemini, for the uninitiated, is a new internet protocol which fits somewhere between gopher and the web. I'm finding its simplicity to be rather appealing so I figured I would dive right in and start publishing my own capsule (gemini:// You can find a list of clients at So take a peek and let me know what you think. I have entered the world of [Project Gemini]( Gemini, for the uninitiated, is a new internet protocol which fits somewhere between gopher and the web. I'm finding its simplicity to be rather appealing so I figured I would dive right in and start publishing my own capsule (gemini:// You can find a list of clients at So take a peek and let me know what you think.

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title: Hello World
Hello and welcome to my first gemlog post. I haven't been much of a blogger over the years and it's very possible that I won't be much of a gemlogger either. But at the very least I'll try to post whenever I put out updates to my various open-source projects and on occasion write about something (usually tech) that interests me.

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
title: My mobile Linux device setup
I spent part of my weekend setting up another device with Ubuntu Touch to serve as my main pocket computing device. I've been playing with Linux on various mobile devices over the years but never really talked much about it other than the random social post. So this time I though it would be fun to actually start documenting it for those who are interested in what I'm using but also for my future self to look back upon.
In this first post I'm actually doing to document 3 devices. The first is my actual phone for voice calls, some texts, and mobile hotspot when needed. The second is the Linux device I have been using as my daily driver the last few weeks for Email, chat, internet, games, stuff like that. And the third device is what I setup to be my new daily driver going forward.
## Light Phone II (my phone)
OS: Light OS (modified Android)
Tools: Phone, Alarm, Calculator
## Planet Computer Gemini PDA 4G LTE (my previous main device)
OS: Sailfish OS
Browser: Sailfish Browser
Email: Sailfish Email
XMPP: Shmoose (Sailfish Messages broken in this release)
Matrix: gomuks (via the Terminal) & Konheko
Telegram: Telegra'me
Mastodon: Tooter Beta (activitypub server runs Pleroma)
Twitter: Piepmatz
Misc: Storeman, ownKeepass, SailOTP, Pure Maps, gPodder
Games: Machines vs Machines, Patience Deck, Picross 2, Heebo
## Sony Xperia X (my current main device)
OS: ubports Ubuntu Touch OTA-16 RC
Browser: Morph Browser
Email: Dekko 2
XMPP: ConverseJS
Matrix: FluffyChat + Pantalaimon UT
Telegram: TELEports
Mastodon: Plemora web app (created using Webber)
Twitter: Twitter web app (created using Webber)
Misc: UT Tweak Tools, uVolMan, uNav, Tagger, Seabass2, KeePit, 2FA Manager
Games: Machines vs Machines, Harbour AirCraft War, Asteroids, Mines

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@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
--- ---
title: "Matrix server shutdown" title: Matrix server shutdown
date: 2021-07-03T09:36:58-07:00 params:
draft: false origin:
author: Morgan McMillian
tags: ["matrix","pnut"]
--- ---
Today I have officially retired my self-hosted matrix server and along with it the custom app service bridge I wrote for (pnut-matrix). This comes as a somewhat bittersweet moment as I have been running my own matrix server since the end of 2016 and worked on the bridge since early 2017. I've been a fan and user of matrix over those years, the idea of a decentralized chat network built on common protocol that could interface with other networks appeals to me. But as I have come to realize this power and flexibility comes at a cost of complexity and resources. I find myself in need of freeing up my time and money for other ventures. So I must bid farewell to my server that has been my personal playground for the last 4 years. I moved to a managed service which costs me less and still allow me to participate in the matrix network. I have also replaced my pnut-matrix bridge with a much lighter weight plugin I wrote for matterbridge. It is a work in progress and I will share more details as it makes progress. Today I have officially retired my self-hosted matrix server and along with it the custom app service bridge I wrote for (pnut-matrix). This comes as a somewhat bittersweet moment as I have been running my own matrix server since the end of 2016 and worked on the bridge since early 2017. I've been a fan and user of matrix over those years, the idea of a decentralized chat network built on common protocol that could interface with other networks appeals to me. But as I have come to realize this power and flexibility comes at a cost of complexity and resources. I find myself in need of freeing up my time and money for other ventures. So I must bid farewell to my server that has been my personal playground for the last 4 years. I moved to a managed service which costs me less and still allow me to participate in the matrix network. I have also replaced my pnut-matrix bridge with a much lighter weight plugin I wrote for matterbridge. It is a work in progress and I will share more details as it makes progress.
=> [pnut-matrix]( - A matrix appservice bridge for
=> [pnut-bridge]( - A matterbridge plugin for => pnut-matrix - A matrix appservice bridge for
=> pnut-bridge - A matterbridge plugin for

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
title: Pantalaimon UT 0.6.0 released
This is an important bug fix release which resolves an issue with messages sent as unencrypted in encrypted rooms. Please update and restart the pantalaimon service.
The panctl shell utility is now included with this release and can be accessed via the Terminal using this command.
* Updated pantalaimon daemon to 0.10.3 which resolves E2EE issues
* Add encryption logs when logging level set to "debug"
* Added panctl shell utility
Packages available at

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@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
--- ---
title: Pantalaimon UT project has moved title: Pantalaimon UT project has moved
date: 2023-02-10T06:50:00-08:00
draft: false
author: Morgan McMillian
tags: ["ubports","matrix"]
--- ---
The project for Pantalaimon UT has moved from [sourcehut]( to my forgejo instance [here]( Source code, issues, and release artifacts can be found at it's new home. The mailing list however is being deleted. Future announcements will be posted to my blog and public discussion will continue at the [UBports forum]( The project for Pantalaimon UT has moved from [sourcehut]( to my forgejo instance [here]( Source code, issues, and release artifacts can be found at it's new home. The mailing list however is being deleted. Future announcements will be posted to my blog and public discussion will continue at the [UBports forum](

content/_index.gmi Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
My name is Morgan McMillian, also known as thrrgilag in various places online. I am a software engineer with an obsession for Linux, open-source software, and tech in general.
=> contact contact
=> chat chat
=> social
=> /atom.xml feed
## code
=> git
=> gitlab
=> github
## posts

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content/chat/_index.gmi Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
title: public chat
These are my public chat rooms where you can find me conversing with my internet friends. The rules are simple.
1. Be respectful
2. No spamming
## #allthingstech
Public chat room discussing all things tech related.
=> irc:// #allthingstech on
=> all things tech on
## #dev
My public chat room for various software development projects and discussion in general
=> morgan dev chat on

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
title: Code
- [](
- [](
- [Codeberg](
- [GitLab](
- [GitHub](

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
title: Contact
`4d69 5be6 d38f a455 b758 eae6 42d8 a0f4 6b4f b858`
spacenerdmo on and

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
title: contact
### email
4d69 5be6 d38f a455 b758 eae6 42d8 a0f4 6b4f b858
### chat
=> @thrrgilag
thrrgilag on and

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
aliases = ["posts", "blog"]
title = "Posts"
author = "Morgan McMillian"
tags = ["index"]

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@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
title: "Pantalaimon UT 0.6.0"
date: 2021-09-08T08:54:15-07:00
draft: false
author: Morgan McMillian
tags: ["ubports","matrix"]
This is an important bug fix release which resolves an issue with messages sent as unencrypted in encrypted rooms. Please update and restart the pantalaimon service.
The panctl shell utility is now included with this release and can be accessed via the Terminal using this command.
- Updated pantalaimon daemon to 0.10.3 which resolves E2EE issues
- Add encryption logs when logging level set to "debug"
- Added panctl shell utility
Packages available at

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
title: Social
Taking a break from social media but here is a picture of my cat.
![Fluffy sealpoint cat sleeping on his back with back legs apart and from paws pulled in.](/img/IMG_1753.jpeg "Sleeping Cat")

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
[web] [web]

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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
{{ define "main" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
<article class="post">
<header class="post__header">
<h1><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title | markdownify }}</a></h1>
<p class="post__meta">
<!-- {{ }}, -->
<span class="date">{{ .Date.Format "2 January 2006" }}</span>
<section class="post__summary">
<p>{{ .Summary }}</p>
{{ end }}
<a href="/post/">more posts</a>
{{ end }}

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
{{ define "main" }}
<h1 id="{{ .Title | urlize }}">{{ .Title | markdownify }}</h1>
{{ .Content }}
{{ range .Pages }}
{{ .Render "li" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

View file

@ -7,6 +7,5 @@
tasks: tasks:
- name: Sync html directory - name: Sync html directory
ansible.posix.synchronize: ansible.posix.synchronize:
src: public/ src: public/https/
delete: true
dest: "{{ html_location }}/" dest: "{{ html_location }}/"

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4 MiB

static/style.css Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
:root {
--bg: #ffffff;
--fg: #171a1f;
--link: #004cb8;
--active: #006aff;
--pre: #e9ecef;
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
background-color: var(--bg);
color: var(--fg);
padding: 2rem 1.25rem;
line-height: 1.5;
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
header {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
header h1 {
font-size: 1.2rem;
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-right: 1rem;
a {
color: var(--link);
position: relative;
a:hover {
color: var(--active);
main h1 {
font-size: 1.6rem;
margin: 0;
h2 {
font-size: 1.35rem;
h3 {
font-size: 1.1rem;
ul {
padding: 0;
list-style: None;
pre {
display: block;
padding: .25rem;
margin: .25rem 0;
overflow-x: auto;
font-size: 1.2em;
background-color: var(--pre);
footer {
margin-top: 2rem;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
--bg: #222222;
--fg: #efefef;
--link: #aaaaaa;
--active: #dddddd;
--pre: #555555;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{{ `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>` | safeHTML }}
<feed xmlns="">
<id>{{ .URL }}</id>
<title>{{ .Title }}</title>
<updated>{{ site.Generated.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}</updated>
<link href="{{ .URL | safeURL }}" rel="alternate"/>
{{ range .Pages }}<entry>
<id>{{ .URL }}</id>
<title>{{ .Title }}</title>
<updated>{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}</updated>
<link href="{{ .URL | safeURL }}" rel="alternate"/>
<content>{{ .Content }}</content>
{{ end -}}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">
<title>{{ .Title }}</title>
{{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# {{ .Title }}
{{ if .Content }}
{{ .Content }}{{ end }}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{{ define "main" }}
{{ partial "header.html" . | safeHTML }}
<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
{{ .Content | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# {{ .Title }}
{{- if not .Date.IsZero }}
Posted on {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}{{ end }}
{{ .Content }}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<h1><a href="/"></a></h1>
<a href="/contact">contact</a>
<a href="/chat">chat</a>
<a href="" rel="me">social</a>
<a href="/atom.xml">feed</a>

templates/atom.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{{ `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>` | safeHTML }}
<feed xmlns="">
<id>{{ .URL }}</id>
<title>{{ .Title }}</title>
<updated>{{ site.Generated.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}</updated>
<link href="{{ .URL | safeURL }}" rel="alternate"/>
{{ range .Pages }}<entry>
<id>{{ .URL }}</id>
<title>{{ .Title }}</title>
<updated>{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" }}</updated>
<link href="{{ .URL | safeURL }}" rel="alternate"/>
<content type="html">{{ .Content | html }}</content>
<name>Morgan McMillian</name>
{{ end -}}

templates/base.html Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">
<title>{{ .Title }}</title>
{{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}

templates/index.gmi Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# {{ .Title }}
{{ if .Content }}
{{ .Content }}{{ end }}
{{ range .Pages }}=> {{ .Path }} {{ if not .Date.IsZero -}}
{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }} {{end}}{{ .Title }}
{{ end -}}

templates/index.html Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
{{ define "main" }}
{{ partial "header.html" . | safeHTML }}
<p>Morgan McMillian, also known as thrrgilag.</p>
<a href="" rel="me">git</a>
<a href="" rel="me">gitlab</a>
<a href="" rel="me">github</a>
{{ range .Pages }}
<li>{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }} ~ <a href="{{ .Path }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
{{ end -}}
{{ end }}

templates/page.html Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
{{ define "main" }}
<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
{{- if not .Date.IsZero }}
<small>{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }} on
{{ if .Params.origin }} {{ .Params.origin }}
{{ else }} <a href="/">{{ site.Title }}</a>
{{ end }}
</small>{{ end }}
{{ .Content | safeHTML }}
This work is licensed under a <a href="">CC-BY-SA-4.0 license</a>.
<a href="">Source code</a>
{{ end }}

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 5232e9f44fc62cd564ae390521456ef26f736812