2019-09-29 08:17:33 -07:00

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Ending BlackBerry 10 dev thrrgilag post 2018-09-06T04:00:41+00:00 /2018/09/05/ending-blackberry-10-dev/

Ive finally reached the point where Im ready to discontinue support for BB10 in my various app development efforts.  Specifically those projects are Goober for BB10 (a native client for and Renamed Todo (a task list app using todo.txt format).  I hope theyve been useful for the handful of users Ive had and interacted with over the years, I know Ive enjoyed building them.  But the time has come to retire them and allow myself to focus on other platforms.  The source code will remains available under and open source license and the bar files will also remain available for those who wish to continue using them.