2019-09-29 08:17:33 -07:00

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Beta for Todo.txt Enyo thrrgilag post 2012-03-08T12:07:28+00:00 /2012/03/08/beta-for-todo-txt-enyo/
Todo.txt Enyo

The first version of Todo.txt Enyo has been published on the HP App Catalog beta channel.  Its available now to those who are willing to try it out.  Im sure there are plenty of bugs to be discovered so feedback will be very much appreciated.

Todo.txt Enyo is a mobile application for managing your todo.txt file on webOS devices written using the EnyoJS framework.  It has been released under the Apache License 2.0 and can be found on github.

Current Features

  • Set and sort by priority
  • Task completion (and optionally creation) dates
  • “Just Type” quick actions and universal search
  • Internal storage support
  • Dropbox support

You can install it from the HP App Catalog by visiting this link from your device.  Alternately, you can visit using your computer and have the link sent do your device from HP.