2019-09-29 08:17:33 -07:00

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Beta 2 for Todo.txt Enyo thrrgilag post 2012-03-18T12:25:23+00:00 /2012/03/18/beta-2-for-todo-txt-enyo/
Todo.txt Enyo

The second beta of Todo.txt Enyo has been uploaded to the HP App Catalog beta channel and is available now.  There have been some various bug fixes, minor UI modifications, and initial support for the BlackBerry Playbook.  Check out the Apps page for how to get it.

Whats New

  • Initial BlackBerry PlayBook support.
  • Insert for project, context, and priority on add or edit.

Known Issues

  • Edit field on the PlayBook does not wrap cleanly because of a hack to work around problems with the RichText control outside of webOS.
  • Scrolling is not as smooth on the PlayBook.